I Have To Figure…

…that at least some of the baby-boomers who protested against Vietnam have got to be looking at today’s mass of bobbleheaded students…:

…and thinking “dial back the crazy, kids”?

5 thoughts on “I Have To Figure…

  1. I agree, but not for the reasons one might think.

    Vietnam protesters opposed the US sending troops to interfere in a foreign war. They were the intellectual progeny of the America Firsters. The fact they may also have been personally afraid to die (prefering to flee to Canada or seek college deferments) undermines the credibility of their intellectual case but does not refute it.

    Gaza protesters oppose Israel responding to Hamas attack. They’d be the intellectual equivalent of Marshall Petain’s Vichy government, collaborating with the conquering Nazis to undermine the liberation of France.

    Honestly – and I never thought I’d say this – I prefer the draft dodgers. At least they were upholding the centuries-old principle “peace, commerce and honest friendship with all; entangling alliances with none.”

  2. Cut the pro-genocide, pro-Hamas protesters some slack. They’re only Princeton students, so it’s not like they’re the best and brightest who ought to be aware of the reality and significance of Memorial Day or anything like high school dropouts in Alabama will.

  3. I don’t understand this post. Dial back the crazy? You think the baby boomer protests were less crazy?

  4. A good insight into this is “Radical Son” by David Horowitz. My own experience is that most Vietnam war protesters were useful idiots manipulated by hard core communist revolutionaries. My own eyes didn’t open until I was in medical practice and I started getting patients from Southeast Asia whose country had been stolen.

  5. There is an interesting article today in Quillete by Adam Garfinkle on the “negative follower effect” of protests. See Waltzing Down the Road to Hell

    Garfinkle credits the anti-war movement to the election of Richard Nixon and “warns” the current protests may return Trump to office.

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