8 thoughts on “The Reason…

  1. Idiots like him crack me up with their stupidity. I know a few guys, that typically vote for DemoCommies, that proudly fly the flag in their yards. It would interesting to see an interaction between one of them and this dipstick.

  2. I’d laugh my a$$ off if those “MAGA F***s” were actually Biden voters.

    Some way, some how, we’re going to need to lower the temperature of political discourse in this country, and I have no idea how to do it. Conservatives tried “turning the other cheek” for decades, and the other side only took that as permission to continue the escalation. Then Conservatives got tired of the rhetorical abuse, endorsed Trump, and largely converted to Populism. In response, the Liberals and the Moderates blame Trump for the current acrimony. Something is going to give. I just hope it gives towards reconciliation instead of the alternative.

  3. Wednesday is trash day, so a few minutes ago I pushed the cart to the curb. In process, I counted one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight US flags flying from poles on my side of the street alone.

    Why am I not feeling depressed, afraid and angry?

  4. It’s interesting how social media and the technology to access it, loosens lips, so to speak. I mean, 40 years ago, this guy would be ambling along the beach grumbling to himself, perhaps even out loud (but not loud enough to provoke the flag wavers), and maybe contemplating writing a letter to the editor. Nah, better let it go.

    But instant gratification! Point your phone at yourself (some distance away from the flag wavers) and start ranting. And then post it for all to enjoy and now you’re a celebrity! A hero even, for taking on those Magats. Yeah, that’ll show them.

  5. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 05.22.24 : The Other McCain

  6. ut instant gratification! Point your phone at yourself (some distance away from the flag wavers) and start ranting.

    I think that’s part of it, jdm. But also the guy in the TikTok, if he’s for real, might not have written that letter to the editor in the past, given the potential for a cooling-off period and a time for self-reflection as he headed home.

    Today, we have many more “surface-level” thinkers, ready to embarrass themselves, thanks to social media and “smart” phones.

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