4 thoughts on “Institutional Racism

  1. Well, considering the fact that Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google, is a communist and is in bed with both the DemoCommies and the ChiComs helping them censor free speech and silence dissidents, what does she expect?

  2. This is why my 15 bookshelves are going nowhere. I know all too well that the powers that be are going to be putting their fingers on the scales in a major way for information on the Internet. I need old musty books to keep Sergey Brin and others in line.

  3. BikeBubba – physical media is the key. They have even digitally edited the original Star Wars!

    Don’t let them erase our memories.

  4. On the light side, a fun drinking game would be to watch a “woke” “Blazing Saddles”. Every time a beautiful, but risque and politically mistaken joke was replaced by a wooden wokeism, you take a drink.

    I’d be gone before Bart became Sheriff.

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