Tu Quoque

Trump is going to speak at the Lincoln/Reagan dinner – one of the MNGOP’s big annual fundraisers.

The DFL thinks they’re onto something.

It’s so cute that the DFL thinks that most Trump voters don’t know this – I know many who stopped holding their noses and switched to full-face respirators to vote for him.

But we – especially if “we” are working class Minnesotans whose paychecks are 20% smaller than they were five years ago, and whose food budgets have gone up by half – might be willing to give it another shot at this rate.

Why do Democrats have such problems with cognitive dissonance?

One thought on “Tu Quoque

  1. The left wing inspired kerfuffle over the racist state flag, was obviously just an exercise in stupidity. I just passed the HQ of the MNDFeLons and guess which version of the state flag is flying out front? Hint: it has a motto on it that says “L’etoile du Nord”.

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