DFL: Criminals AND Misogynists

Today’s DFL:

  1. They nominate a convicted stalker to run against his alleged (by his own video) victim.
  2. They trot Nichole Mitchell’s animated political corpse into the Senate chamber to vote for their idiotic “safe storage”, which will get tossed in court, and which will literally create a presumption of guilt against a homeowner whose firearms are stolen via any means.
  3. And then, when Rep Franson brings up an emendment to exempt current victims of active stalkers, tell the little ladies they shouldn’t worry their pretty little heads and leave the guns to the menfolk.

What? You thought I was kidding?

This would be called “mansplaining” anywhere else.

Which brings us to the female face of misogyny, Jamie Becker-Finn:

They are treating their moment in absolute power as a way to say “nya nya” to people they hate. No more.

6 thoughts on “DFL: Criminals AND Misogynists

  1. Hmmm. Why is p.o.s. Pinto objecting to women protecting themselves against abusive partners? Me thinks he doth protest too much. Perhaps he’s projecting?

    And Jamie Becker-Finn? I’m hoping she runs into a couple of Pedo Pete’s replacements for “white people of European descent”.

  2. Dave Pinto went to Harvard. What better explanation for his bigotry, ignorance and lack of sophistication.

  3. MN government is corrupt to the core?
    MN gets what MN elects quelle suprise!

  4. One more little fact re DFeLon Nicole Mitchell. Funny how she’s voting on a bill that prevents her step mother from being able to defend herself from burglars that break into her house in the middle of the night. The fact that Mitchell was in her room, tells me (and others that I have discussed this incident with), that something more nefarious was afoot.

  5. If the felon votes, it’s sounding like a great opportunity for jury nullification. Sadly, it won’t work really well in the areas that have the most fear of burglaries.

    One note regarding the “arguments” for the bill is that to get to “more kids killed by firearms than anything else”, you’ve got to include gang-bangers killing each other, which is of course one of the key reasons people like to have a gun readily available. So even the DFL’s evidence “for” this measure argues against it.

  6. They trot Nichole Mitchell’s animated political corpse into the Senate chamber to vote for their idiotic “safe storage”

    I don’t believe the Senate has voted on that bill as yet.

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