I Love A Happy Ending

Hamas*holes in Florida try to block a road.

Get dragged.

Literally and figuratively.

I want to send this video to the Minneapolis City Council, just to see if any of them retreat to a crying room…

8 thoughts on “I Love A Happy Ending

  1. In fact, it’s now a felony punishable up to 15 years in prison

    And here in Minnesota, it is almost impossible to get two years tacked on when a gun is used to commit a felony.

    Seriously, 15 years is just begging for a federal judge to swat it down. 15 days would deter the majority of progressive narcissists. Save the longer sentences for the repeat offenders.

  2. How about this:

    “Based on traffic camera video, we calculate your actions cost 5,000 people an hour of their time. Based on economic information from the state department of labor, we calculate the average hourly wage in that location is $20. You are sentenced to serve 1 day in jail and pay $1 fine plus restitution in the amount of $100,000 which is not dischargeable in bankruptcy and you will remain on parole wearing an ankle monitor and checking in weekly with your parole officer, until the restitution is paid in full.”

    Nothing unreasonable about requiring criminals to compensate their victims. Who could object to that?

  3. Who could object to that?

    Other than objections from the usual subjects, I know a group who would/should enthusiastically embrace a variant on that idea.


    Sounds like a class action lawsuit to me.

    Now don’t say these protesters lack funds. Granted the few who are not nepo-babies might fall into that category – but just think of the deep pockets activist organizations who sponsor such things.

    And couldn’t a good lawyer trace the harm all the way back to George Soros, Alida Messinger, Lorraine Powell Jobs and Mackenzie Scott?

    I know, I know, there will be the naysayers who will beat their breasts and cry, “if a lawyer did that, he/she/they/xe would never be invited to a party again!”

    While that is a valid cry – we are talking money and lawyers here.

    Keep that in mind.

  4. I’ve got another angle. Let’s say that it’s the most direct route to an emergency medical center and their moronic tantrum cause a delay in an ambulance getting a patient the care they need and dies. They should all be charged with involuntary manslaughter or, because these events are planned (and likely funded by DemoCommie aligned NGOs), premeditated murder. They should have known that their actions could result in someone’s death.

  5. Hey!! Hey!!

    I got an idea and I am all excited now!!!!!

    How about we tell Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis and Mary Moriarty that the traffic disruption was caused by right-wing, gun-toting, pro-Israeli protesters and let them unleash an unholy litany of charges on the unsuspecting lefty pro-Hamas activists?

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