Ripple Effect

I say this fully aware it might be deeply insensitive.

By the way, “Deeply Insensitive” was the caption in the high school annual my senior year, so that tracks.

Anyway – people appear to be choosing sterilization over wrangling with new abortion laws (or at least the hype about them).

The good news, sorta? Fewer abortions.

The better news? It’s not unreasonable to presume these people are overwhelmingly “progressives”. Hopefully their self-inflicted demographic sunset will happen before they destroy the rest of the country.

The bad news: They got a big headstart on the whole “destroy the country” thing.

4 thoughts on “Ripple Effect

  1. I actually considered the same thing, Mitch. If my research is correct, U.S. births are already lower than at any time during the last 20 years.
    That’s precisely why the Obama, I mean Pedo Pete regime is flooding the country with foreign invaders, too. Pete said that he wanted to replace every white person in the country, concluding that this action wasn’t a bad thing.

  2. My in-laws are retired and living in Florida on Social Security. They are aware of the projections that Social Security will run out of money so they are in favor the Lesko Brandon’s wise policy of importing more workers to pay into the system. It’s only a temporary measure, you see, to bridge the gap between the Baby Boom and the Millenials.

    My wife won’t let me slap them upside the head but how else to deal with them?

  3. It is at some level heartening that progressives are not breeding, but in the long run, it’s further destroying the tables that Soc**list Insecurity and Mediscare work on. I guess the bright side is that it makes the reckoning and correction more urgent.

  4. Your link simply proves that the ivy-league millennial who churn out click-bait for NBC are utterly worthless, as anyone can tell.


    Never let the children outnumber the parents

    I have ten siblings and stopped at two for the following reasons:

    – Peace and tranquility.

    – At best you can only get three baby-buckets in the back of a standard American car – and typically only two in a commuter.

    – For Christ Sake, do you know what daycare cost?? And no, I don’t want gubberment to help. It would only tack the subsidy onto the already exorbitant cost.

    As for Social Security, how about we stop mailing checks to bums, drunks and druggies? And oh yeah, how about needs-testing the checks we send to their ex’s and dependents?

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