Let’s See If I Have This Straight

According to this “independent” anti-gun sock puppet account, teachers are paragons of virtue who must be trusted even more than parents, including on childrens’ pre-adolescent decisions to neuter themselves – with the the odd exception…:

…unless they choose to avail themselves of the means, or live in a state that allows them to choose to avail themselves of the means, to defend their charges from violent attack at school, in which case are presumed to be (if you’ll pardon the expression) loose cannon until proven otherwise?

I swear, sometimes it’s exhausting trying to follow the left’s logic.

One thought on “Let’s See If I Have This Straight

  1. So by their logic, all teachers ought to be castrated or spayed? I only think that’s necessary if they’re active in the NEA or AFT! (j/k)

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