Philatelic Equity

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Clothing retailers send me junk mail promoting the Spring Collection of fashion designs, so I can run out and buy new clothes to match the season. I never do, but that doesn’t deter the junk mailers.  There’s always hope that I might update my wardrobe.  The Post Office sends me advertising emails promoting the Spring Collection of stamps.  Seriously?  Does ANYBODY run out and buy stamps to match the season?  

What annoys me is not just the two seconds it takes me to click “Delete,” it’s knowing that an advertising campaign doesn’t happen organically.  They probably let bids to hire a firm of graphic artists.  They no doubt had committee meetings to review the offerings for diversity and inclusiveness.  They definitely tasked programmers to modify the on-line store to include the new products.  I can’t even imagine how much it cost in total.  I wish we could measure the response to see if the ad campaign worked.  I hate to complain about the Post Office since it one of the very few Constitutional activities the federal government is authoritized to do, but this is beyond ridiculous. 

Mitch, I see an opportunity for you, writing specialty books.  Somebody got the contract to write “Mister Zip’s Windy Day” for the Post Office (scroll down).  I know Smokey the Bear is the mascot for the US Forest Service but I wonder what the US Marshall’s mascot is?  Do they need a Second Amendment Friendly kids book?  

Joe Doakes, stampless, but at least not in Como Park

My first response – they do this for stamp collectors. How much of a market are philatelists? I have no idea.

I know that recording artists today make much of their actual profit from merchandise sold on tour. Is the USPS mining that same vein?

Or is this just another wealth transfer from taxpayers to favored advertisers and merch producers?

And, since Joe brought it up, how do I get my taste?

3 thoughts on “Philatelic Equity

  1. This is too funny!

    I’m off for Good Friday, so I decided to gather up the 153 credit card offers that either my wife or I have received over the past year. I know. I actually counted them individually. This is the junk mail that drives me crazy. 44 from Discover (we already have one), 32 (airline sponsored cards (already have two), 56 Visa (I have one) and 31 Mastercard. One would think that if they didn’t see us taking advantage of those offers, they would take a break.

  2. BH: We used to receive dozens of credit card applications in the mail as well. One time, when I had about 75 or so, I opened them all up, removed anything that had our name on it, and then stuck all the rest of the items in the pre-paid return envelope, and dropped them off at the mailbox. I figured since the company offered a free envelope, they might as well pay for the postage allotted to it.

  3. Yes, I do think stamp collectors are the biggest market these days. It’s all pretty much seignoirage profits for the USPS when collectors buy stamps.

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