Saint Louis Park Schools Seeks Word Salad Chef

Saint Louis Park Public Schools is looking for a new Assistant Superintendent.

But not just any Assistant Super. Nosirreebob.

This one is going to have some extra special administrator-fu (emphasis added):

The first sentence of the position’s summary says, “the Assistant Superintendent proactively supports the Superintendent to create and communicate anti-racist structures and systems, works to interrupt systems of oppression, and serves as a role model for culturally relevant pedagogy.”

The school district continues its summary of the position by saying the assistant superintendent must be “unwaveringly committed to anti-racist actions and use data to adapt and sustain their efforts towards racial equity to plan, direct, and coordinate action to achieve the mission and strategic objectives.”

The job description continues by saying the school district is seeking an assistant superintendent who can “examine the presence and role of ‘Whiteness’ in systems and structures,” and is “open to feedback regarding their own racial blind spots.”

The job will pay between $130-200K.

I think we finally found out what “fully funding education” means.

9 thoughts on “Saint Louis Park Schools Seeks Word Salad Chef

  1. Yea, that fully funded thing showed up again last night on left wing channel 5 news. It was bemoaning the loss of music programs at Minneapolis schools, because there was NO MONEY TO FUND THEM! They found a token parent, a guy that looked like a typical lefty, expressing his disappointment and stating that they hopefully could organize some fund raising events to fund the program.

  2. Always interesting to note how openly, brazenly even, anti-white views and policies are expressed. And how whites just shrug and accept it.

  3. Face it rubes, if you choose to stay on in Minnesota you will be nothing more than a Free Range Human On A Tax Farm (or to use a quaint descriptor from another age: Serf).

    But if it makes you feel better go ahead, wring your hands, wail, gnash your teeth for all the good it will do.

  4. Mac Wheel,


    OTOH, some of us are here to fight.

    Leaving is a valid option – it’s on my list of potential future plans – but til then?

    Eisenhower would have saved a lot of trouble landing at Neptune Beach, New Jersey rather than Normandy. But it’d have been kicking a big nasty can down the road til later.

  5. Saint Louis Park Public Schools


    Got to be thinking how long the Hamas loving far left will be thrive in places like Saint Louis Park.

    Personal worldview realignment takes awhile, but I suspect it will be slowly at first, then all at once.

    It is easy to live with cognitive dissonance, but when one’s friends kick the habit, then one’s family, co-workers and neighbors follow suit, the all at once thing kicks in.

  6. Eisenhower wading ashore at Neptune Beach is the perfect metaphor for how the Republicans have been “fighting” for the last 30 years. It precisely explains the likes of presidential candidates Dole, McCain, Romney, the Bushs and congress critters like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnel, and McCarthy – yeah they put up a hell of a fight. Republicans have discovered that being the minority party is so much less stressful (you can make your little strongly wordedspeeches and blame the Majority party) AND financially rewarding – face it none of them leave congress broke.

  7. It strikes me that the most “anti-racist” thing that a school superintendent can do is to insist that each student learn to read and write the English language in a standard way, to learn to do basic arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, and to learn enough real history that the person will be able to comprehend the society in which they find themselves.

    I guess I’m not terribly politically correct.

  8. SLP is an interesting study. It has a very large Orthodox Jewish population compared to other suburbs. In the neighborhood between Lake St and Benilde St Margaret School, and between Hwy 100 and the Mpls border, you can see many many Sukkah huts pop up in the fall for their weeklong Sukkot holiday. You can also see lots of Jewish men in black suits and yarmulkes or black bowler hats walking in the neighborhood in the mornings (not driving) to go to their services.

    However, they have had an influx of Somalis in the last decade or so. I recall seeing a couple different Somali names on campaign signs over the years, and their mayor is a (presumably Somali) Muslim. The bios of most of the city council members are dripping with non-profit org involvement and activism. I’d say they’re just as bad as Mpls council critters, but with the luxury of not having to deal with all the crime that Mpls has to deal with. No surprise that the school board and administration would be just as bad.

  9. (There may be Sukkahs and men walking in other neighborhoods as well, however I am only familiar with that neighborhood because my kids went to BSM)

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