You Heard It On The NARN First…

When I saw Angie Craig jamming Mary Moriarty into the wood chipper last week…

…. I figured there was a reason.

And MPR apparently thinks so as well:

Most congressional districts in the nation and in Minnesota are considered either firmly Republican or Democratic. That’s not the case in the 2nd District, which comprises much of the south metro area, but also stretches deep into rural south-central Minnesota. 

The combination of near-urban, suburban and rural voters makes the district viable ground for both parties.

The district’s Republican Party Chair, Joseph Ditto, said 2024 is his party’s best opportunity in years to defeat Craig, who won the prior three elections by close margins. 

Of course, the DFL money and media machines will be working overtime to put lipstick on the metaphorical progressive pig that Craig is once she goes to DC:

Craig has a massive fund-raising advantage. Craig has raked in more than $3 million for this race so far. That’s more than five times as much as her Republican challengers raised combined.

Craig had more than $2 million in the bank to start the year.

Outside groups have also indicated plans to play heavily in the district, one of relatively few targeted races in the country.

In a district where independent voters will prove pivotal, Craig is promoting efforts to reach agreement with Republicans on issues ranging from combatting fentanyl smuggling to stopping congressional pay raises. Five press releases in March alone use “bipartisan” in the headline.

We’ve been used to Craig rolling out TV ads driving offroad in a Jeep, to try to burnish her “not like those DFLers” cred.

I fully expect to see a new one with her at the range with matching AK47s in each hand.

3 thoughts on “You Heard It On The NARN First…

  1. Interesting. I went to find that Jeep video. Gotta give her credit, it’s a completely believable, well-done ad for those who don’t keep track of their reps, state or national.

    I would think that she should be able to leverage her comments on this too: Rep. Angie Craig describes fighting off convicted criminal who allegedly punched her (YouTube video, search on title). Especially since, Homeless man sentenced to 27 months in prison for attacking Rep. Angie Craig in apartment elevator.

    She’s gonna be a tough candidate to beat when she carries the ignorant knucklehead vote.

  2. It’s a darned scary thought that Mr. Londregan is only, apparently, getting a bit of help because Democrats are afraid of losing an election if they don’t. Apparently “prosecutors withheld exculpatory information from the defense” only is actionable if the defendant is someone they like.

    My take is that the testimony by the use of force expert is a big deal, and withholding that information really ought to cost the prosecution team, up to and including Mary Moriarty if she was involved, their law licenses. This is a big deal.

  3. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 03.25.24 : The Other McCain

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