8 thoughts on “Ghost Of Minneapolis Future

  1. The bright side is that with the mass closure of stores there, perhaps real estate prices will start to drop in San Fran. The down side is that with all those empty stores, the street life that attracts people to the city is going to be destroyed. They’ll leave it all to the addicts.

  2. Every store around Oracle Park closed means the city will be able to convert them to provide much needed vibrant immigrant housing – what could be better?

  3. Speaking of providing Lebensraum for the local vibrant diverse immigrants and homeless, the City Of Minneapolis should move their tent encampments to the north half of Nicollet Island – its empty, undeveloped, out of the way, and within walking distance of all the social services downtown. Win-win for everyone!

  4. bike,

    You’re totally correct. I have friends that live in Frisco. They tell me that unless there is a game, downtown is almost dead anyway.

  5. boss,

    That happened to Saint Paul years ago, unless there is a change that I don’t know about.

    Great news… my brother just sold his house in Saint Paul and is headed out of state. Scratch yet another (very) experienced engineer.

  6. Greg,
    To add, the left wing choo-choo trains have their highest number of riders, going to and from games.

  7. Boss; San Francisco, Gary on the Bay.

    Paging Inspector Callahan, we desperately need you now!

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