An Analogy, If I May

“Jacobin” is an overtly socialist media site – moreso than NPR’s “On The Media”, even.

And just as the Democrat Socialists of America have been creeping into dominance in blue-city Democrat politics, their sphere of influence appears to be swelling as the media’s fortunes wane and “Journalists” leftist ideological motivation waxes.

And here they say, to paraphrase what the kids say these days, “the not quiet-at-all part out even louder:

Not sure it has a chance of happening in the wild – but if there’s anything that’ll make normies hate the media even more than we already do, “making it an organ of the state it’s supposed to check and balance” would certainly do it.

3 thoughts on “An Analogy, If I May

  1. Pedo Pete’s minions have been pushing funding for media and individual propagandists. If I had an X account, I would send them a “F U. Strong letter to follow” message.

  2. It would solve the “misinformation” problem.

    Earlier this week, the Biden Administration was forced to argue to the Supreme Court that the First Amendment was interfering with the government’s ability to restrict free speech. It needs to do that, you see, to prevent the media from disseminating misinformation which might be dangerous. (In this case, “misinformation” means “contrary to The Narrative” and “dangerous” means “to the administration” but that’s not how they phrased it, of course). So the government has been forced to use a series of work-arounds like embedding agents at social media companies and making suggestions about content being linked to licensing. It’s the old “nice website you got there, be a shame if anything bad happened to it because you wuz doing misinformation.”

    Astonishingly, none of the justices pointed out that interfering with the government restricting free speech was the Entire Point of the First Amendment.

    At least under this new proposal, a government run media wouldn’t have to pretend to be independent.

  3. Yes, it’s not like Pravda, Izvestia, and NPR have discredited theselves by refusing to be critical of those who sign their paychecks….and it’s not like the media we’ve got have really done themselves proud in investigating and responding to COVID fallacies..

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