14 thoughts on “Orwell Was A Pollyanna

  1. And also this:


    The FDA now claims they were only joking; or if they weren’t, then they had to act without authority because of the grave danger of consumers self-medicating; but they’ll erase all evidence of it now so nobody can be punished for it.

    No mention of the people who died because they were dissuaded from taking a safe and effective treatment

  2. Why all these Off Topic posts? Why the thread-jack? Because they’re not. They’re directly on point. The Deep State is not one or two guys in dark suits wearing sunglasses, it’s thousands of True Believers in offices everywhere who all feel justified in breaking the rules For The Higher Cause.

    Sometimes, the Higher Cause is making sure the right guy gets enough votes to win the election. Sometimes, it’s lying about a laptop to cover for the boss’s son. Sometimes, it’s outsourcing forbidden bio-weapon research or working to overthrow the government of other nations so a more compliant regime can be installed to keep the kickbacks flowing.

    The gambler’s “tell” is a blink, or fidget, or twitch that betrays the bluff. The Deep State operative’s “tell” is an attitude. It’s the supercilious attitude that the ordinary public couldn’t possibly be as smart or as righteous as the People in Charge and therefore can be not only ignored, but actively lied to, if that’s what it takes to get them to do what We want them to do.

    The proof is in the consequences. There are none. You may have lied and your lies may have killed thousands but it was in service of a Higher Cause, the same Higher Cause served by the supervisors, managers, appointing authorities, and supposed watchdogs. A slap on the wrist followed by a new job in a different agency, does not deter bad behavior.

    That’s why it’s impossible to drain the swamp. The swamp fights for its existence, it actively resists being drained, it bogs you down every step of the way. I hope President Trump wins the election but I fear it won’t make much difference. He can’t fire the entire government at every level from Cabinet Secretary to Ballot Counting Clerk. It would be a bloodbath.

    Although now that you mention it . . . .

  3. I can’t help but refer back to this once in awhile.

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
    ― C. S. Lewis

  4. I hope President Trump wins the election but I fear it won’t make much difference. He can’t fire the entire government at every level from Cabinet Secretary to Ballot Counting Clerk. It would be a bloodbath.

    I had the same idea back in 2017. After seeing how his own staffers stabbed him in the back starting day 1, I thought it was a mistake that Trump didn’t fire every White House staffer who wasn’t on the service crews (groundskeeping, foodservice, custodial, etc). I agree he should have a bloodletting of the entire executive branch. However…..

    That’s why it’s impossible to drain the swamp. The swamp fights for its existence, it actively resists being drained, it bogs you down every step of the way.

    They’d just reapply for replacement positions. There would be no way to initially hire enough friendlies to be able to weed out the unfriendlies from the good guys.

    And when 95% of the entire federal government hates you and actively tries to sabotage you, there’s no way around that.

  5. I hope President Trump wins the election

    You two guys are right but I don’t think you should discount the possibility – hell, probability – of an assassination to prevent any changes to the swamp. And “the others will learn not to cross the state” – can’t remember the French version.

  6. …on the other hand, maybe, just maybe… hear me out here… what if the US/NATO/Ukraine was behind a terrorist attack in Russia – a big one. Might that not force Putin to escalate and drag NATO into full-scale WW3.

    Deep State actors are the ones who are desperate to start a global war. It solves all of their problems. They can cancel the US election, further extend their power, and the war machine keeps getting paid.

    Would they start WW3 to stop Trump? Absolutely.

    Just speculating. I mean, a terrorist attack in Russia? C’mon.

  7. Would they start WW3 to stop Trump? Absolutely.

    *puts on tinfoil hat*

    Well, they created and unleashed a global pandemic to do that 4 years ago…….

  8. There is something being said, something quite unprintable, by a newspaper writer and his editor claiming that there’s something commendable about the Constitution, law, and elections being subverted by bureaucrats. One might joke that the picture of the President in many government offices serves as a dart board.

    How to fix it? I think you’ve got to start paring down departments until they’re manageable and auditable.

  9. The deep state isn’t organized like a conventional Soviet-style espionage group, with cells, cutouts, and other spycraft tools. Members have a hive-like affinity as they work openly in government and corporate environments. They don’t need to get information from a higher-up operative. That’s what makes it so hard to defeat.

  10. Yup! Useful idiots like trust funder Dan Goldman, has been psycho Keith Oberfuhrer and two of the clowns at the grifting Lincoln Project, have either outright or subtly called for Trump’s assassination. I’m sure that most of you already knew this, but there were over 40 thwarted attempts against Trump while he was in office.

    Regarding the deep state, Stephen Miller disclosed that he was threatened several times for revealing that Trump did indeed offer National Guard assistance on January 6.

    Trump is playing 3D chess, while the mental midgets play Chinese checkers with four marbles missing. IMO he was getting the traitors to out themselves and now that they have, he knows who to go after. According to some disclosures he’s made, he has a large number of reliable people that he can insert into the key positions on day one. Those people will be charged with the purge of the minions and I also believe that there are far more FBI and HSA members that will follow the Constitution than not. As for the CIA, all bets are off.

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