If There Were Ever A Time For “Truth In Advertising” Laws With Teeth

The Strib is engaging an ad agency to explore a new name:

The media organization has been known as the Star Tribune since 1987,  five years after the Minneapolis Tribune and the Minneapolis Daily Star merged to create the Star and Tribune.

The rebrand is being overseen by former Google executive Grove, who was appointed CEO and publisher of the Star Tribune a year ago having spent more than three years as Minnesota’s Department of Employment and Economic Development commissioner under Gov. Tim Walz.

So in the spirit of community, let’s give them a hand.

Suggestions in the comments.

13 thoughts on “If There Were Ever A Time For “Truth In Advertising” Laws With Teeth

  1. The Star & Sickle. I think there’s an old logo out there somewhere that they could use as well.

  2. Greg beat me to it. Pravda. Izvestia. The Worker’s Weekly World. Except apparently even the Communists have more sense than the editorial board of the Strib.

  3. Curious. I read that article (thanks for the BringMeTheNews link) but I didn’t see any reason given for the re-design. Why is it necessary? I mean, how cool and modern and digital do you need to be to ignore MN’s slide into shithole status and report on local sports?

    I saw something about a rebranding to become the news outlet for all of Minnesota. Odd that. I know the metro was divided, but in outstate MN, the Strib was, during my youth, literally, the news outlet for all of Minnesota. Don’t it always seem to go; That you don’t know what you’ve got; Till it’s gone

    Interesting too is that the head of Colle & McVoy, the ad agency charged with a “complete reimagining of the Star Tribune’s tone of voice and how it visually represents itself”, has been a member of Strib’s Board of Directors for the last 5 years.

    AI was also mentioned. And the new CEO is a former Google exec (don’t know how successful or significant). If I were any of those so-called journalists employed there, I’d be buffing up my resume. Someone’s gonna have to pay for this whole fiasco.

  4. The Red Star’s circulation has been droppingfor the last seven years, a couple of years by double digits. From what I have found, web visits are down, too. IMO they have sunk to such a low level that they had to “do something”.

  5. Boss,
    I don’t even bother clicking on any Strib articles. I could claim I’m taking an ideological stand, but the truth is more pedestrian. I won’t pay for a subscription, and I only get my 3 free “monthly” articles if I change phones or factory reset my current phone, and I’m too damned lazy to do a factory reset every few weeks. (For those techies reading this, deleting my cookies and clearing my browser history doesn’t work either.)

  6. “All the news we decide is fit to print.”

    “We do the thinking so you don’t have to.”

    plus I really like Rush’s line:

    “We’ll tell you what happened And what to think about it.”

  7. SmithStCroix: On my Chromebook, I can go into Chrome > Settings > Site Settings > JavaScript and add startribune.com as a site not allowed to use JavaScript. Then it loads the full text of any article on startribume.com without the login prompt, but no pictures or any other content besides the text. I just tried to do that on my phone for startribume.com and m.startribune.com (mobile site), and it still puts the login prompt in there. So if you have a laptop/Chromebook at home, that might work for you.

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