Make This Make Sense

This is your brain on crack:

This is the DFL’s brain on DFL ideology:

You have no agency re your behavior until you’re in your thirties, but you can choose to have yourself neutered when you’re 8.

I suspect there’ll be a bill in the next session, if the DFL maintains the majority, banning logic of every kind.

7 thoughts on “Make This Make Sense

  1. You have no agency re your behavior until you’re in your thirties

    Who’s this “you”? You have plenty of agency if you’re white. Even under 30.

    State Highway Patrol Officer Ryan Londregan is 27 (his “victim”, of course, is blameless or at most very naughty).

    Or this. In 2022, when two white 14-year-old Terrebonne High School (LA) students were arrested and charged with “Hate Crimes” for saying the word “nigger” in a video (compare and contrast with the black assault on a white student at Eagle Ridge Middle School in Savage).

    Or those comments about Laken Riley (22). “She should have covered up,” people said as if running in a sports bra in the oppressive Southern summer heat was unbelievable. “She should not have been running at that hour,” others scolded, maybe unaware that it was the most convenient time for her busy schedule as an educator and mother. “She should not have run by herself,” many others scoffed, as if adult women require chaperones. (Quotes from a USA Today article). Her killer, an illegal alien from Venezuela is 26.

  2. The science on maturity of the brain is pretty solid, so perhaps an argument of diminished capacity could be made for individuals in their late teens and early twenties – but by the same token, an even stronger argument must be made for not letting feral little kiddies out of jail until their brains fully develop – for males that is somewhere around age 27.

  3. This is all from the same Party that has proposed lower the voting age to at least 14. If you tried to write this story your editor would excoriate the lack of consistency.

    “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  4. In the Olden Days when President Nixon signed the 26th Amendment in 1971, lowering the voting age from 21 to 18, he said, “The reason I believe that your generation, the 11 million new voters, will do so much for America at home is that you will infuse into this nation some idealism, some courage, some stamina, some high moral purpose, that this country always needs.”

    Nowadays proponents of raising the prosecution age to 21 cite “science that says our brains aren’t fully developed well into our twenties.”

    What changes occurred in the last 50 years to cause this reversal of maturity?

  5. These are the same morons that are trying to usurp the first amendment of the constitution and strip us of religious rights. Despite the protests from leaders of most of the religious leaders in the state, they are pushing on, knowing that the feckless media is giving them cover.

  6. One thing that comes to mind is that our nannies in government do their level best to prevent kids from doing grown up things, and then complain when those same kids don’t grow up. Do the math, folks.

  7. I guess I’m only agreeing with others, but there’s NO WAY you can move this age above the voting age. I’d argue there should be some space in between, say 17 is where juvenile court loses jurisdiction, but 21 is where you can vote. But I do have a hard time with a voting age being higher than the age you’re allowed to volunteer to die for your country.

    At any rate, their proposal to raise the juvenile crime age is sheer lunacy.

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