Primary Motivations

On the one hand, I think optimism is extremely premature for Republicans. While some polling is showing deep divides in the Democrat party, we’ve heard this tune more that “Freebird” on KQRS. Democrats may kvetch and moan – they whined about Bill Clinton – but they, being essentially herd animals, always “come home” at election time.

But it looks like a lot of them will have to come home a looooong way this fall:

“Uncommitted” takes almost 20% of the DFL primary vote.

And that was only the half of it:

Looks bad for Biden?

For now, sure.

But don’t get fooled – they’ll get goaded, logrolled, gaslit, threatened, or just talk themselves back into line this fall. Trump (who easily skated through the GOP contest) will have a hard go it it, nationwide and here in Minnesota.

2 thoughts on “Primary Motivations

  1. I’m not sure that most of those uncommitteds will be willing to come back. These are the pro Palestinian/terrorist, antisemitic crowd and they are more irrational than BLM and AntiFa.

  2. Most of those uncommitteds will come home in November. Biden provides lip service to the Cease Fire Now crowd, while Harris is fully on their side. If nothing else, they’ll keep spreading around the idea that Joe will retire on January 21 and Harris will ascend as the first Female President. It’s easy to vote against Joe this week when you know that he’s going to be the candidate anyways, AND he has a habit of pandering to the squeaky wheels within his coalition.
    I can only hope that the division within the DFL sticks around through the August Primary. If sane Democrats and CD5 Republicans vote for Don Samuels, the Omar can be retired to her husband’s mansion.

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