Domestic Terrorism, And Its DFL Fanboys

A fire at a west end building housing three conservative groups is being investigated as arson:

My firend, former co-host and CAE chair John Hinderaker commented:

John Hinderaker, president of the Center of the American Experiment (CAE), said based on the location of the fires in the building, it appears that someone targeted conservative groups.

“The fires were obviously set by someone. They targeted conservative organizations. They didn’t firebomb the chiropractors or psychologists or Manufacturers Alliance. We are working with authorities to try to identify the perpetrators,” Hinderaker said.

The Golden Valley Fire Department responded to a fire at 8421 Wayzata Blvd. shortly after 2 a.m. Sunday morning, according to the fire department.

Among those cheering on domestic terror was “Represenative” Andy Smith (Chucklhead Jagoff, Rochester):

Apparently having one of his (dumber) representatives giggling like a schoolgirl about domestic terrorism was enough to get even Ken Martin and the DFL Mystery Meat Machine to spring into PR action:

Nothing could shut that little twerp up until, apparently, giggling like a middle-school mean girl about domestic terror.

PS: I hope “Protect” Minnesota can provide good information to the FBI/BATFE to find and arrest those responsible for this apparent attack.

10 thoughts on “Domestic Terrorism, And Its DFL Fanboys

  1. We don’t know much about who is responsible but if there is an arrest a few things are certain, :

    1) They will be immediately released on a no-cash bail.

    2) Mary Moriarty will be writing the charges down to the lowest possible level.

    3) After minutes of tough negotiations with their defense attorneys, the most serious charges will be dropped and their sentence will be served by working as a paid intern for a non-profit finding housing and other social services for “asylum seekers”.

  2. My jaw dropped when I read this on Powerline and saw the picture of the hallway devastation. MN is becoming a third world state. Will Gov. Klink or his wingman Ellison condemn this act of terrorism?

  3. Greg;
    Release ‘em Moriarty won’t have a chance, because the BATF and the FBI are conducting the investigation. Further, the fire damaged the office of Kendall and Shiela Qualls organization. Being black, the Feds will probably push it to a prison term. There were also about 12 additional small businesses affected.

    John was on Jon Justice’s show on KTLK this morning and said that they have surveillance camera footage of the miscreant at work.

  4. Still waiting for the Star-Tribune and the Pioneer Press to pick up the story.

    Interesting to see the pattern; it was in the hallway, burned that up well, but the offices on either side are wet but not burned. Looks like the sprinklers did their job, but I don’t know that it’s much consolation when water can do almost the same damage as fire.

  5. John posted on Powerline that leftists had firebombed his office. What a vicious libel. He has absolutely no evidence to support it.

    Okay, yes, he has a video, and forensic evidence, and probably statistical evidence, plus eye witness accounts and the obvious conclusion to be drawn from common sense. But has any court ruled on it? No.

    Therefore, as we know from the election discussions, no wrong has occurred and John has no right to throw around this crazy conspiracy theory. For shame.

  6. Regarding Smith, it’s terrifying to me what happens when a man abandons the things he’s learned when he was young. Smith is a Moody Bible Institute graduate who has rejected the evangelical theology and sound economics he would have learned there. He’s proceeded to become a “progressive ideology of the month” guy who has leveraged chapter 7 (worst kind) of banktruptcy into a position helping to write and approve state budgets.

    God help us with this clown having his hands on the levers of power.

  7. I like Hinderaker’s description of “firebombed”. It elicits more reaction than arson.

    After all, if we’re going to defeat the DemoCommies, we need to start talking like them.

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  9. THe part I didn’t know until I read the Alpha piece – it was two fires.

    On two separate floors.

    Both in front of conservative groups.

    Does not plausibly seem to not be foul play.

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