
I’m a little old-fashioned in a lot of ways. I guess part of it goes along with being a conservative. And/or a Christian. And/or a decent human being.

Which is why seeing the current statistics about the beliefs of the younger Gen-Zs seem so very catastrophic to me.

Huge percentages of people from the late teens through late 20s:

  • Have no idea who Hitler was
  • Don’t know what the Holocaust was, and have no idea that there was a concerted attempt to rid the world of Jews, which was about 70% successful in Europe.
  • Think removing Israel from the map is just fine.
  • Believe that October 7 was an Israeli “blue on blue” or false flag, or just faked.

It’s to them that I commend this Israeli documentary about the massacre at the Nova dance party – drawn entirely from footrage from partygoers and the terrorists themselves.

It’s all in Hebrew and Arabic – but it’s easy enough, and utterly terrifying, to figure out for yourself what’s going on anyway, as the film spirals from ecstasy-soaked rave through “Iron Domes” bursting in the distance, to swarms of goons with AKs and RPGs murdering and grenading civilians, fleeing and hiding for their lives.

And in my unguarded moments tempted to tell actual humans to force their acquaintances who believe it’s all a conspiracy to watch it. Jamming it down their throats if necessary. With a stick and a hammer, if needed.

But that’d be uncivil, wouldn’t it?

Almost as uncivil as hoping the IDF strangles the last Hamas terrorist with his own entrails.

PS: you can have my gun when you pry it from my cold head hand.

PPS: Palestinian Arabic is an extraordinarily ugly sounding language.

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