I’ve Noticed

…that the Venn diagram of people who were dumping on Lauren Boebert’s drunken (and let’s be honest, tacky and ill-advised) make-out last summer…

…and people who are excusing, celebrating and even…uh…

…celebrating a couple of Democrat aides filming gay porn in the US Senate is a circle.

I can’t help but wonder – when he said “I would never disrespect my workplace” – what does he think doing the nasty in the nation’s upper deliberative chamber is? And what would “respect” look like?

Chaser: At least one rumor says Maese-Czeropski’s, uh, film set was Amy Klobuchar’s desk.

Watch out for flying binders!

5 thoughts on “I’ve Noticed

  1. “I would never disrespect my workplace”- Aidan Maese-Czeropski

    That is his truth and we all must respect that.

    what does he think doing the nasty in the nation’s upper deliberative chamber is?

    Well…….that’s just your truth, now isn’t it?

  2. I keep hearing about how he’s being “attacked” for who he loves, and he’s being attacked for an “act of love”.

    Let’s get something straight: Gay, straight, or otherwise, having sex in your employer’s place of business is not an act of love, but of lust. The rational part of the brain has shut down, and the blood normally in the head has rushed south of the border.

    Did Mr. Maese-Czeropski never learn that “sex in the office” is in the “Don’t” column of the Dos and Don’ts of the workplace?

    I’ve got friends and acquaintances whom have engaged in a little office passion, ostensibly because the risk of getting caught/fired makes it more exciting. Whatever floats your boat, I suppose, but don’t expect me to consider it a mark of good judgment.

    But then Mr. Maese-Czeropski either recorded it or allowed it to be recorded? The lack of good judgment is further exemplified. What does that say about Senator Cardin’s office in hiring him in the first place? How much good judgment did it exercise?

    I weep for the future of America if this young “man” is any indicator.

  3. The perp is a Palo Alto High (i.e. he probably grew up very prosperous) and Berkeley (maybe) grad who was existing on very scanty wages while living in one of the most expensive cities in the country, and there is some online indication that he was paying for some sexual favors. I am going to guess that if there is any real investigation, it’s going to get far worse. I don’t see a way that he was paying his bills without, ahem, some “side hustle”, and his character seems to indicate that the “side hustle” would be in the uttermost grosset sense of the word.

  4. Lauren Boebert was set up by the DemoCommie bar owner that she was with. The most telling part of the whole episode, is that the security camera, which is designed to scan the room to detect possible problems, stopped and focused right on them, at the exact time that it occurred. I have a former business associate that has been in that restaurant a few times. He’s an independent voter and isn’t a big fan of Boebert, but tells me that owner is a “jack weed,” so he wasn’t surprised.

  5. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 12.20.23 (Afternoon Edition) : The Other McCain

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