False Flags

“Public is to art as it is to rest rooms”
— PJ O’Rourke, I think.

Among the less overtly but more insidiously stupid things the DFL controlled legislature sent the state chasing after this past session was redesigning the state flag.

The initial submissions are in and range from the adequate to the sardonic to the vile.

The choice is such that some have suggested we, alone among states, need two, seasonal flags. Now. as a North Dakota native, the idea that Minnesota’s seasons are radical enough to warrant separate is worth a laugh or two…

…but I see a case for multiple flags.

In fact, I think it’s going to end up looking like this:

The flags of the four powers that are eventually going to be forced to move in and liberate Minnesota, and partition it untli it’s De-DFLified.

6 thoughts on “False Flags

  1. OK, so because the old flag has a representation of native Amerians which is deemed to be distorted, we’re going to solve the problem by eliminating all mention of them on the flag altogether? With friends like today’s liberals, native Americans don’t need any enemies, do they?

  2. I could live with 5 or 18.

    159 is funny but not prestigious enough for a state as grand as Minnesota, doncha know.

    353 is clever but only Dakota speakers know that “Minnesota” means “the land of sky-blue waters” and the white lines confuse that meaning.

    758 – isn’t that on Mn/DOT trucks now?

    1012 looks like someone sticking out their tongue. Eewww.

    1266 tries to cram in everything – state butterfly, state mushroom, state bird – too busy and nobody knows or cares about those things. Outside Minnesota we are know as Land of 10,000 Lakes, it’s been on our license plates forever.

    Nice to see a plug for wild rice in 1422 but again, nobody knows us for that.

    I notice nobody wanted a return to the 1858 Territorial Seal flag, which shows the Indian riding off into the sunset, his land having been stolen by the farmer tilling the land. Seems to me that fits with the current land acknowledgement fad. I’d have voted that that flag.

    I gave up after viewing 1,500 entries. What a load of dreck.

    The Strib has a photo of the six finalists. None of my picks made the list. The finalists are insipid, juvenile and look like something I’d see at the State Fair in the Quilting section.

  3. This reminds me of the SNL skit, from back when that show was good, making fun of the new NBC peacock logo and the expense associated with it. They showed several designs of the peacock, with varied amounts associated with them, many along the lines of the earlier observation of TKS.

  4. I’m of 2 minds about changing the flag. I hate the idea of changing anything to placate the goon squad. But on the other hand, I’ve always thought the old state flag was one of the ugliest, most thuddingly allegorical banners in the nation. The picture isn’t even drawn well. So I’m holding fire on the issue until I see what monstrosity our lords and masters pick out for us.

    I kind of like the blue and green Scandinavian one, though. Wish I’d thought of that.

  5. Maybe a loon, a bear, and a gopher all around a table playing poker drinking Hamm’s? On a black velvet background?

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