The Enemy Within, Around And Above

This is this sort of thing that should send Americans to be barricades. This is ample reason to block freeways (in DC and Silicon Valley and Saint Paul’s Government Canyon anyway). This is a reason to break out tar and feathers and lots and lots of harsh tweets.

It’s a thread. Click through in Twitter.

Not that this is news – but here’s one of a wallet full of money quotes:

-EIP [Election Integrity Partnership – Ed.]“stakeholders” (including the federal gov’t) would submit misinformation reports

-EIP would “analyze” the report and find similar content across platforms

-EIP would submit the report to Big Tech, often with a recommendation on how to censor

If you’d told me 15 years ago that voting for candidates attitudes about censorship, lockdowns, mandates and enforcing top-down social cohesion would be as important as stances on spending, immigration, healthcare and foreign policy, I’d have shaken my head and wondered “what else are they going to tell me – CD8 will someday be Republican?”

8 thoughts on “The Enemy Within, Around And Above

  1. Yes, this is bullshit coming from Pedo Joe’s handlers. But before you Patriot’s get too excited, we’d be remiss not to remember who created the (aptly named) Patriot Act *coff…neocons…coff* which has been behind more fuckery than can ever be recounted here.

    And the fuckery that is known is just the tip of the iceberg. Most is not ever going to be publicly shared, because it’s all conveniently classified as national security.

    If you think a change of leadership is going to help you or your families in any substantive way, you’re dreaming.

  2. The problem of government censorship of public information is firmly under control. There is no censorship. None at all.

    And when I say none I mean there is a certain amount, more than we were prepared to admit. But it was absolutely necessary to prevent the wrong people from being elected and thereby destroying the American way of life.

    You can thank us later.

  3. I read that the manifesto of the tranny mass murderer in Nashville was leaked…and immediately pulled from GooFaceTube and every other social media platform owned by Zuckerberg & Alphabet. It’s also not being shown by any of the degenerate media.

    From the bit I read, the reason is apparent; it’s filled with hate for White people, which we can’t have while battling the double barreled scourge of AntiSemitism™ which is noticing the Self Defensive genocide in Gaza and White Supremacy™ that is um, well, doing something nasty somewhere.

    Steps must be taken; information must be carefully shepherded.

  4. Too humorous to pass up:

    “No surrender, no cease fire. Hamas started the war. This is the definition of FAFO.”

    –Sarah Hoyt

  5. I am reminded of the quote from the now extinct comic strip, Pogo.

    “We have found the enemy and he is us.”

    Us in this case being anonymous and unelected bureaucrats.

  6. Old and busted … Ukraine

    The new hotness….Isreal

    Time to update our Facebook pages to show how much we care.

  7. The best part is how the left has gone apoplectic about the leak of this screed. I thought they liked leaks. Oh. Wait. They only like leaks about conservatives.

    On another note, I got a good chuckle out of a transgender, calling other people “fag – gots”.
    Hopefully this format gets past the mod bots.

  8. “Old and busted … Ukraine
    The new hotness….Isreal”

    Well, Patriots are getting more slaughter for their fiat dollars in Gaza, Bigman. What fun is it to watch Zelensky send waves of young Uke’s out to crash daddy’s car into Ivan’s brick wall?

    The Israeli’s have the recipe for the entertainment Weimericans want. Engaging in indiscriminate slaughter while simultaneously squirting “but muh holocaust” tears is a winner.

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