The Experts

“Civilians shouldn’t have guns. Leave it to the experts”.

Some people are asking “why are IRS agents shooting?”

Those people would probably be a little alarmed to know that the Departments of Energy, Education, Interior, even HHS, have armed agents, and even access to “SWAT” teams.

I had an avocational acquaintance once upon a time who worked for the Department of Justice. He was a nice enough guy – and a preeningly arrogant old-school east coast liberal Democrat who’d gone to an Ivy League school and grad school as a third-generation legacy. His contempt for the law-abiding citizen’s right to keep and bear arms was legendary.

But he went to a session the BATFE threw at a government shooting range, to orient Federal employees to various kinds of firearms. He spent a day at the range, firing a bunch of handguns and a Heckler and Koch MP5 submachine gun, under (purportedly, given the story above) close supervision from the BATFE agents involved.

And, voila, he considered himself one of the chosen people with the secret handshake that should be allowed to be armed.

Because he’d “had training”.

Unlike all of us hoi polloi who’d been plinking away for decades, naturally.

18 thoughts on “The Experts

  1. a preeningly arrogant old-school east coast liberal Democrat who’d gone to an Ivy League school and grad school as a third-generation legacy

    A perfect description of the building blocks of the deep state.

  2. ‘Going to the range is proof you right-wingers are extremists.’

    ‘Only trained people should be allowed to even hold a gun.’

    The duality of progtards is astonishing.

  3. OK, since it was IRS work more than FBI work that put Capone in jail, I’m not totally against the IRS having some armed agents, but if they’re getting agents killed at the range, somebody’s got some ‘splainin’ to do. I can’t think of a good reason for an agent to be anywhere near “in the sights” of another agent at the range.

  4. Energy makes sense, for having SWAT teams. They work with assets vital to National Security, including armed convoys that don’t slow down for anything.

  5. bike;
    An FBI agent acquaintance of mine, shared with me a few years back that at least six agents had been killed in training accidents. Three of them were at Quantico, others were in the field.

  6. my guess is the death is the result of poor trigger discipline

    either that or Alec Baldwin was leading a training session

  7. Pig.
    You’re probably correct. One of the Quantico deaths was a trainee that moved when he was supposed to stay put.

  8. In the meantime, have you heard about this one? Of course not! Does not fit the narrative!

    Harrowing footage shows Fargo cop annihilate Syrian asylum seeker, averting mass shooting. Crickets from media.

  9. “OK, since it was IRS work more than FBI work that put Capone in jail, I’m not totally against the IRS having some armed agents”

    JFC. My brain hurts.

    Y’all really don’t need rAT Emery. Here’s some home grown, neocon, Boomer dimwittedness, right here.

  10. Instead of IRS having its own SWAT team, what would happen in the IRS did the accounting to prove the crime had been committed, the US Attorney applied to the judge for an arrest warrant, and the US Marshall performed the actual arrest?

  11. Wife had a positive Covid test. But the at-home test kit expired six months ago and the FDA recommends against using them due to possible inaccurate results. I’m gonna but a new test kit every time I get a sniffle?

    Doesn’t matter. Perfect excuse to get put of social events I didn’t want to attend anyway. “Voluntarily self quarantine. So sorry,”

    If only my throat wasn’t so sore.

  12. Big, with wuhan flu tests being so unreliable, why test at all? if you do not test for it, you do not have it. Would you go anywhere in public if you had regular flu? What’s so magical – other than what malthusians want you to believe – about Wuhan flu than any other? You do not test for avian or swine flu… or do you?

  13. for the last couple years with the onset of any trifling flu/cold like symptom I break out the Nasomin & ivermectin – nothing lasts longer than 3 or 4 days

  14. If you’ve ever done real science, you know how shitty the CDC’s “science” on covid protective measures has been since the beginning. They have data that is noisy as hell, and the CDC just receives it from sources with inconsistent methods, it doesn’t collect the data itself. The most important number is Case Fatality Rate (CFR). we are more than 3 years on and the CDC still has no rigorous, consistent measure of covid’s CFR.
    Real scientists, literally years ago, would have announced that they have no rigorous measure of CFR because A) their data is crap (death certificates written by authorities with different measures of what it meant to die from covid), and that whatever the actual CFR was, it was too low to overcome the noise in the data.
    Until the CFR exceeded the noise in the data, they had no business suggesting mitigation measures, because mitigation measures, like lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates, etc., are expensive & you can’t do a cost benefit analysis if you don’t know the CFR.
    This is elementary stuff.

  15. This was also elementary. But millions got jabbed. Trial lawyers will own Pfizer and Moderna, and every Corp that made it mandatory for their employees to get a jab. Mark this post, it may not happen this year or next, but it WILL happen.

    Feminist author and journalist Naomi Wolf has doubled down on her assertion that the Pfizer COVID mRNA injection was known to be lethal to unborn babies before being rolled out, declaring that the company’s own documents show it “murders babies in the womb.”(Snip)The Pfizer document revealed that in its clinical trials, “adverse events” occurred in over 54 percent of cases of “maternal exposure” to the vaccine (including through intercourse, inhalation, and skin contact); 53 women (21 percent) in its trial suffered spontaneous abortions “following BNT162b2 (Pfizer mRNA) vaccination”; and six premature labor and delivery cases resulted in two newborn deaths.

  16. Testing positive for Covid is guaranteed bullet proof approved sick leave.

  17. Big, true and I see where you are headed: just say you tested and poof! leave without consequences and a medal for being an outstanding citizen who saved untold billions of lives.

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