They Take Care Of Their Own

With redistricting, former senate minority leader With the “party of women“, Melissa Lopez Franzen, got pushed out to make sure Ron Latz didn’t wind up unemployed

But no worries about Melissa. She’s DFL. Once they are elected to something, the system takes care of them:

The University of Minnesota on Wednesday announced it has hired former Senate Minority Leader Melisa López Franzen as its next chief lobbyist at the State Capitol.

Beginning Aug. 28, López Franzen will be the U’s executive director of government and community relations, where she will oversee lobbying efforts for all five of the U’s campuses and lobby her former colleagues.

I did say they take care of their own, right?

With her new role with the U, she will join a growing list of former Minnesota lawmakers turned lobbyists, including former Sens. Tom Bakk, Patricia Torres Ray, Chuck Wiger and Jeff Hayden.

By the way, – go ahead and read the story, in the “Minnesota, Reformer”, yet another publication, sponsored by progressives with deep pockets.

See if party affiliation is mentioned even once.

UPDATE: but I will give this to the reformer: some of the inconvenient facts did make it in:

Nothing weird there at all.

Remember – it’s the most transparent regime in history.

3 thoughts on “They Take Care Of Their Own

  1. López Franzen, who isn’t registered as a lobbyist, said she’s been at the Capitol a few times this session and attended a few events, like one that advocated for enacting the Equal Rights Amendment, but only as a private citizen and not a lobbyist.

    “I haven’t triggered any reporting requirements under campaign finance law,” López Franzen said.

    This wretched woman shouts her special status as “López”, which is especially slimy, but make no mistake, 9/10 Repubs would do the same fucking thing.

    But I aver, I do not often see “conservatives” advertise their breaking the spirit, but not the letter of the law.

    What utter trash.

  2. Yea, she’s even a bigger pos that that. Like several other politicians on both sides, but especially the DemoCommies, she ran for office for and personally benefited from her time in office. Her husband, conveniently, owns a solar energy company. Need I say more?

  3. Don’t forget Linda Berglin in 2011. She was about to be redistricted out of her speciallly drawn district and was frustrated with losing her chair of health committee when the GOP took control of the state Senate. She basically got the same job as Franzen but at Hennepin County.

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