Peer Pressure

Ping: Scalia warned after the Obergefell same-sex marriage decision that it’d open the doors to use the law to de-normalize things that’d been normal for all of human history.

Pong: Massachusetts – the Caliifornia of New England – rejects an adoptive couple, Mike and Kitty Burke because, as practicing Catholics, they would merely love a gay or transgender child, rather than aggressively affirm the child’s orientation:

“Kitty expressed that she does not believe in gender affirming care for children,” the report noted, adding that she referred to such care as “chemical castration” and said she doesn’t believe that people can choose their pronouns.

Mike Burke, meanwhile, told the social worker he has many friends who are gay or lesbian and has attended several same-sex weddings. He told the social worker he would likely attend his child’s wedding if they married someone of the same sex. 

He also said he would likely not consider any type of gender affirming care for a child under the age of 18….In a later email, the social worker noted that the Burkes “have a lot of strengths” and “really seems to understand adoption/foster care.” However, she wrote, “their faith is not supportive [of LGBTQ+ youth] and neither are they.”

Is there anything Scalia wasn’t right about?

8 thoughts on “Peer Pressure

  1. So Mike and Kitty tolerated, accepted even, alphabet-infected weirdos, but they didn’t believe. They weren’t adherents, so they’re heretics and must be denied, if not cast out from, society.

  2. Social Worker: Are you willing to affirm the gender choice of a LGBTQ++ child?

    Couple: No.

    Social Worker: Why not?

    Couple: We are Muslim.

    Social Worker:……stamps big red “OK” on their application

  3. Big surprise there: “Acceptance” is not enough to appease the deviants. If you’re not an active participant or enabler of their deviancy, you’re an Untermensch..

    On the plus side, we’re seeing the backlash.

  4. They are literally demanding that your children celebrate pride, the mother of all sins.

  5. If they were just trolling the degenerates , that’d be one thing, but these people proved they are not smart enough to adopt a child the minute they expressed surprise at the decision.

    They live in Massachusetts ffs.

    People from Massachusetts are called “Massholes” for a very good reason.

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