16 thoughts on “Ladies: Practice Harder

  1. If real biological women won’t protest either by simply not participating or like in Delacroix’s “Liberty Leading the People”, then why should anyone else care?

  2. I’m glad trannies are winning in Canada, because they’re getting their bonus holes kicked in Ukraine.

    When Newsweek throws in the towel, it’s over.

    Hopefully Zelensky has collected enough vig from Biden and neocons and will take the loot and claim asylum in Tel Aviv. Sending more young Ukes into the meat grinder to pad Zelenskys Swiss bank account is a crime against humanity.

    Putin has what he wants. He will keep what he has and call it good.

    It’s exactly the outcome I predicted a year ago.


  3. It’s too bad they can’t have three categories: cis-men, cis-women, other.

  4. If are a human being you are either male or female. If you are nether a male nor a female, you are not human.

  5. Correction; the Canadian record was beaten by not over 200 lbs, but over 200kG, and the lifter is 40 years old, well past the peak years of most lifters. So what the winner did here was provide ever more evidence that no, removal of testosterone from the body does not make competition between men and women “fair” in any reasonable sense of the word.

    So in a weird way, this is good news.

  6. Twelve years ago, I took a state college standard course in human anatomy. We did one unit on sexual differences between men and women, and one on human reproduction. The word “gender” was not used because gender is not a biological reality, it is a language and (now) a psychological issue.
    But the right started a “phony culture war” over it.

  7. What kind of chromosomes does a hermaphrodite have? X? Y? Both?
    If a dog is born with a birth defect, we don’t say it is not a dog.

  8. Sex is biology, XX or XY chromosome. Nothing you believe about yourself or your place in society changes your genetic makeup.

    Gender is image. Old: short hair for men and women in dresses; New: half-shaved died blue hair with pink socks. Whatever you believe about yourself or your place in society, go for it. Wear that dress. Dye that hair. Make it work for you, I don’t care. You do you.

    In the olden days we understood that a girl could be a tomboy but she was still a girl and a boy could be a sissy but he was still a boy. And nobody suggested that the guy who couldn’t make varsity should compete against girls (well, we said that, but we didn’t mean it). He was stuck on JV and that was that.

    Why was it all so simple then but it’s all so hard for Liberals to understand now?

  9. “Why was it all so simple then but it’s all so hard for Liberals to understand now?”
    because modern liberal/progressive ideology is the political refuge of the resentful and deeply envious.

  10. because modern liberal/progressive ideology is the political refuge of the resentful and deeply envious.

    Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach. Those who can’t teach, become activists.

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