Four Out Of Five Red Sox Fans Say “The Yankees Suck”

Senator Erin Maye Quade continues to confirm my thesis that DFL politicians count on their voters being – let’s be diplomatic – smug, but uninformed and uncritical.

The Alliance Defending Freedom is “literally” “designated” as a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is – and I know 95% of your readers know this – paid to defame conservative groups, leaders and thought.

It’s high time this behavior be commemorated in a Berg’s Law.

19 thoughts on “Four Out Of Five Red Sox Fans Say “The Yankees Suck”

  1. I’m waiting for SPLC to designate X/Twitter a Hate group/entity
    That promises to be entertaining.

  2. First acronym she types “WTAF”. 10/10 she said that out loud when initially reading the story, and says it whenever she discusses it with her friends over box wine.

    I regularly use salty language in comments, and can be justifiably criticized for that. But I don’t use that language in day to day conversation, even with degenerates and never to a woman.

    With leftist, degenerate females, it is second nature. It’s the language they’ve been taught fierce, strong women use.

    Add crazy eyes to foul language, and you’ve described 99% of leftist females.

    Rather than responding in kind to them, I’ve found it most effective to gently ask what kind of meds they take daily…never fails to elicit an immediate, visceral response which I find very satisfying.

    As to garnering an SPLC hate group designation, I always readily admit I’m absolutely 100% on their hate list; I was raised Catholic, see, and I still believe the dogma is correct, even if I’ve disavowed the Church as an institution.

  3. First acronym she types “WTAF”. 10/10 she said that out loud when initially reading the story, and says it whenever she discusses it with her friends over box wine.

    I regularly use salty language in comments, and can be justifiably criticized for that. But I don’t use that language in day to day conversation, even with degenerates and never to a woman.

    With leftist, degenerate females, it is second nature. It’s the language they’ve been taught fierce, strong women use.

    Add crazy eyes to foul language, and you’ve described 99% of leftist females.

    Rather than responding in kind to them, I’ve found it most effective to gently ask what kind of meds they take daily…never fails to elicit an immediate, visceral response which I find very satisfying.

    As to garnering an SPLC hate group designation, I always readily admit I’m absolutely 100% on their hate list; I was raised Catholic, see, and I still believe the d0gma is correct, even if I’ve disavowed the Church as an institution.

  4. BTW, there is a small group of leftist slags that don’t have crazy eyes, and are not on maintenance meds. I call them the Betty(!) McCollum types. They’re not crazy; just stupid as dirt. They do love their Cardbordeaux though.

  5. The Alliance Defending Freedom has won 15 cases before the Supreme Court.
    The details of the case are that a flight attendant for Southwest criticized the head of her union for her stridently pro-abortion views. The union then asked Southwest to fire the flight attendant, which Southwest did. The flight attended sues Southwest and her union, and received an joint award of $5 million for religious discrimination and got her job back. As part of the settlement, the judge in the case required Southwest to notify its employees of their religious rights under the law & constitution. Southwest instead simply reiterated to its employees their existing speech code. So the judge ordered the 3 Southwest attorneys to receive a standard 8 hour seminar from the ADF on religious rights and the constitution.

  6. SCENE: In the littered front room, of an asphalt sided shAk on the weedy shore of a dismal little lake a man wakes from a drunken stupor on a filthy couch…

    rAT Emery (takes a swig of gin from the plastic bottle on the floor next to him): “ER Nurse!!!”

    ER Nurse (cowering): “Yes dad?”

    rAT Emery: “Come closer”

    (ER Nurse steps closer, visibly shaking)

    rAT Emery (Groping ER Nurse’s crotch): “Looks like Hunter Biden stole Ohio…..”

    rAT takes another chug from the plastic bottle, rolls over and passes out again.


  7. Remember when Roe was overturned and the Republicans all said it was OK because the citizens of the individual states should be the one to decide the question anyway?

    Is anybody shocked that this was a complete lie and they had no intention of allowing the citizens to decide if it looked like they’d make a choice the Republicans didn’t like?

  8. SCENE: In the damp, dark unfinished basement of an asphalt sided shAk on the weedy shore of a dismal little lake, a profusely sweating, pudgy little man in a stained tee shirt roughly gropes a weeping young woman…

    rAT Emery (takes a swig of gin from the plastic bottle he’s holding): “Remember when Roe was overturned and the Republicans all said it was OK because the citizens of the individual states should be the one to decide the question anyway?”

    ER Nurse (weeping): “Yes dad”

    rAT Emery: “Is anybody shocked that this was a complete lie and they had no intention of allowing the citizens to decide if it looked like they’d make a choice the Republicans didn’t like?”

    ER Nurse: “No dad” (sob)

    rAT Emery (dropping filthy trou): “Looks like Hunter Biden stole Ohio…..”

    ER Nurse (weeping): “Yes dad”

    rAT: (Takes another chug from the plastic bottle, and leads the sobbing ER Nurse to the Berkeley horse.) “Let’s get to work!”


  9. You do quite a bit of acting out here on Berg’s house of mirrors — you might want to consider your employer’s EAP program..

  10. Back to the subject, a look at the Twitter feed reveals that the complainer here is looking at what I’d have to admit is impolitic statements by the former flight attendant, while ignoring the fact that Southwest just lost a $5.1 million judgment. This would indicate that there was some other very clear evidence of religious discrimination.

    It also reminds me that the SPLC has a long history of calling innocuous people “racists” or “extremists”. One of these days, the left needs to grasp this.

    Southwest is also facing a lawuit alleging they allowed a whites only breakroom. So there seems to be something of a “discipline” problem in that regard.

  11. Mr. Bubble signaled his virtue:

    “Southwest is also facing a lawsuit alleging they allowed a whites only breakroom. So there seems to be something of a “discipline” problem in that regard.”

    Right. Mr. Crump Bubble, race mixing MUST be enforced, through *harsh* discipline, if necessary.

    Unless it’s a congressional special interest caucus, or college campuses….

  12. Mr. Bubble continued: “It also reminds me that the SPLC has a long history of calling innocuous people “racists” or “extremists”. One of these days, the left needs to grasp this.”

    Why do they need to grasp that? Who is pointing it out? Who’s applying heat? What conservative Patriot™ is denouncing them in Congress, or on the steps of the Capital?

    What possible reason would an anti-White, leftist propaganda mill have for checking themselves, in any way in Weimerica?

  13. You keep talking, “Sheets”. One would figure that nearly sixty years after the Civil Rights Act was passed, you’d get the message, but apparently not. Should Southwest put in separate lunch counters and drinking fountains, too?

  14. BN asks, Who’s applying heat?

    No one and that’s the way Republicans like it. Just a word to the wise, a heads up or a gentle reminder to malicious malevolent commies and whoop-dee-presto! they’ll realize the error of their ways, apologize, and make it all better.

  15. It is well known that freedom of association does not apply to white people, more specifically white men.

  16. Bike “Beacon of Virtue” Bubble offered: One would figure that nearly sixty years after the Civil Rights Act was passed, you’d get the message, but apparently not.

    Kansas City, Detroit, New Orleans, LA, SF, Oakland, Baltimore, Atlanta, Birmingham, Minneapolis, Chicago, Milwaukee & every other major US city called. Said they got the message. Please call off your Civil Rights activists.

  17. Side note; it’s five out of four Red Sox fans who will tell you the Yankees suck. No?

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