Every Single Conversation

Mitch BERG is on the air in the bunker at AM1280. He’s interviewing Aaron ROSTON, writer at the (possibly fictional) progressive blog “MinnesotaLiberalAlliance.Blogspot.com“.   He is a crossing guard at a school in rural southern Minnesota, and is a bullying activist – mostly focusing on promoting bullying of children of conservatives. ROSTON is talkng into microphone 3, lookng over the console at BERG.

BERG:  So you’re pro-choice? 

ROSTON:  Of course.  Abortion is a human right, 

BERG:  Let’;s define “human”.

ROSTON: That’s kind of absurd.

BERG:  Possible. Let’s see. So I have a question for you. When your mother was pregnant with and delivering you, at what point was it no longer acceptable for her to “terminate” you? Please be specific.

ROSTON:  Well, that was her choice.

BERG:  Right, Understood. So at what point in the pregnancy was it no longer her choice .

ROSTON:  Whenever she said.

BERG:  So could she terminate you now/

ROSTON:  Of course not. That’s absurd.

BERG:  Why?

ROSTON: Because I’m a human.

BERG:  Sure. So when did you become a human?

ROSTON:  When I was born.

BERG:  So two minutes after you were born, you were a human?


BERG:  And thirty seconds before you were born, when you were the exact same person you were ninety seconds later, but not quite out of your mother yet – was your life worth defending?

ROSTON:  That was up to my mother.

BERG:  So the only thing that changed about the moral value of your life in that ninety seconds was you emerging from your mother? It was entirely your mother’s call?


BERG:  So could she still “terminate” you?

ROSTON:  Don’t be absurd!

BERG:  Why can’t she?

ROSTON:  You can’t murder a human.

BERG:  So thirty seconds before you were born, you weren’t human?

ROSTON:  Nope.

BERG:  And a minute later you were.


BERG:  With the only difference being your mother’s choice?


BERG:  And no other reason she couldn’t terminate you today.

ROSTON:  You’re clearly a racist.

BERG:  Clearly.


18 thoughts on “Every Single Conversation

  1. Mitch: “Caller, you’re on the air.”
    Bigman: “Yeah, like, what about Peter Singer, man?”
    Mitch: “Could you be more specific?”
    Bigman: “Yeah, like, he says birth isn’t the line, it’s self-awareness, man.”
    Mitch: “And why does that matter?”
    Bigman: “Yeah, like, he says it’s okay to kill an infant up to 2 years old because before that, it’s not self-aware so it’s not human, man.”
    Mitch: “Mr. Roston, your thoughts.”
    Roston: “What an ignorant, provincial idea. Plainly this Singer person has no idea what he’s talking about.”
    Mitch: “He is the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University.”
    Roston: “This isn’t a matter of bioethics, morality or religion. It’s politics.”
    Mitch: “How so?”
    Bigman: “Yeah, like, how so, man?”
    Roston: “If we lose the abortion issue, Democrats won’t get elected.”
    Mitch: “Aaaand that’s all we have time for today.”

    end scene

  2. I had a question about “genderspeak” in a different thread, but this post reminds me of another. If the birthing being contemplating an abortion is male or non-binary, is it technically a mother when deciding to abort the fetus? Or is it the father’s choice?

  3. Gay marriage is just a paperwork formality they said… We are in the best of hands…

    On Tuesday, Live Action’s Lila Rose relayed a deeply disturbing story via Twitter about a California gay couple buying a preborn child, renting a uterus…then ultimately killing the baby after birth. (Snip) Here’s the story: Shortly into the pregnancy, Pearson received a cancer diagnosis, and made the decision she would deliver the little boy in her womb early in order to begin a pharmaceutical regimen. The buyers however, didn’t want to pay top dollar for a premature baby, so they demanded he be “immediately terminated.” When Pearson refused the abortion, the couple threatened to sue; when she offered to adopt the child, they ordered her to present a death certificate.

  4. I really don’t think that this is good argument, MBerg. If you believe that “you” is a creation of both society and himself, and not a unique human soul created by God, your question is nonsense. The pro-abortion person will not identify themselves as being the same creature that was once a clump of cells in his mother’s womb.

  5. Because we’re all free to chose what a “human being” is, and when that transmogrify occurs, I choose to conclude leftists only become human 20 seconds before they die.

    So offing them at anytime between their emergence from the crimped fish mitten that nurtured them to emergence and that last 20 seconds is my right.

    It’s in the Constitution.

  6. The Korean War Armistice agreement was signed July 27, 1953 — 70 years ago this month.

    That has to be enough baby-sitting. Can we bug out now, please, Lesko Brandon?

  7. “Consider someone who chooses to decline a vaccine. How can that same someone then insist that a pregnant woman be denied the right to choose what her body experiences? ~ Dr Scott Jensen

    Legislators aren’t qualified on this subject, even if some of them have a medical license. The only correct course of action is to leave the decision to the woman and her doctor. We’ve already decided we are going to let each woman decide for herself. Nobody needs to vote on an individual’s bodily autonomy.

  8. Yes, Emery, certainly society has no interest in preventing the deaths of innocents. Preach it to the choir…..in the inferno, of course.

    But that noted, if we could just get government money out of abortion, I’m guessing the prenatal infanticide rate would go down by at least 50%. The economics of the practice simply do not support widespread abortuaries.

  9. Miscarriages are considered spontaneous abortions — then God is the ultimate abortionist….

  10. “Miscarriages are considered spontaneous abortions — then God is the ultimate abortionist….”

    And, being beyond control of the wom…uh, birthing person, are utterly irrelevant to this cdiscussion.

  11. “Legislators aren’t qualified on this subject, even if some of them have a medical license. ”
    Legislators aren’t qualified on:

    • Homicide, even if they were cops or prosecutors
    • Retirement planners
    • Educating kids, even if they were teachers
    • Constitutional Law

    And yet they legislate on murder, social secuirity, education and the 2nd Amendment.

    “Politics is the least efficient possible way of getting ianything done”
    – Kevin Williamson.

  12. Why should you or anyone else stand in the way of a woman determining what is best for her, the rest of her life and that of any child she wishes or wishes NOT to bring into this world?

    Once again you are crabbing about something that is none of your business, never was and never will be. Yet after Minnesota has finally made this decision as secure as it can be, you stomp your feet and once again try to argue the point that ‘the citizens’ should have a say.

  13. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 07.21.23 (Afternoon Edition) : The Other McCain

  14. People, including most especially women, who live in my state are expected to be civilized, decent people in public. If they’re not, this isn’t the place for them.

    Weed is never going to be legal here. Most businesses are closed on Sunday. Tearing a toddler out of the womb will get you a tenner. Displaying your genitals will get you sent to jail, with raccoon eyes. Your sodomy flag won’t see the daylight of it’s second day.

    Conversely, Minnesota has branded itself as the Sodom & Gomorrah/Caligula/ Rome/ Auschwitz mashup state.

    In Minnesota there is no right or wrong. No expectations of civilized behavior. You can carve up your kids, you can shit on the sidewalk, piss on churches, fuck in the bushes..anything goes.

    And I am 100% in favor of these arrangements. In fact, I encourage leftist shitholes like Minnesota to double down on the debauchery. You want to fuck d0gs? Why not? Come to Minnesota!!

    Anything that facilitates balkanization is to be encouraged.

  15. A school district in California rejected the grooming curriculum that has been promulgated across the state.

    Gavin Newsom is outraged. He is determined that no child will be exempt from being prepared to handle the most bizarre sex acts humans are capable. He’s also going to insure White kids recognize their criminal birthright.

    So he’s providing the materials the district has rejected and he expects they will be used. How can he be sure his orders will be obeyed?

    He’s started out with a $1.5 million fine, and assures them it will go up from there.

    I think this is exactly what Californians want. I also think the rebel district doesn’t belong there. They should leave, and degenerates suffering the stifling morality of the Southeast should take their place.

  16. A woman is the only person who has the moral authority to decide whether to kill her child

    The government has no moral authority to protect the child if the mother wishes to kill it

    If this is solely a matter of morality for the mother to decide, why would the age of the child matter?

    Why shouldn’t a mother be allowed to kill a child before it’s born, after it’s born, at any point during its life?

  17. Why should you or anyone else stand in the way of a woman determining what is best for her, the rest of her life and that of any child she wishes or wishes NOT to bring into this world?

    If the “clump of cells” has a heartbeat, then it’s not just a clump of cells, is it? It is a new life, formed from DNA from two donors. When does that life get its own rights? Once it has those rights, you can’t logically permit the mother to kill that life, because the mother’s rights only extend so far as to not reasonably intrude on the new life’s rights.

    But you duck and belittle the question that is repeatedly asked of you: When your mother was pregnant with and delivering you, at what point was it no longer acceptable for her to “terminate” you?

    Is it because you wish to avoid the moral vacancy of the “wrong” answer?

    Once again you are crabbing about something that is none of your business, never was and never will be.

    People just minding their own business is how we enable and encourage moral decay. As the saying goes, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Setting aside the question of viability, terminating an innocent human life is evil and arrogant.

    Yet after Minnesota has finally made this decision as secure as it can be, you stomp your feet and once again try to argue the point that ‘the citizens’ should have a say.

    There’s the arrogance: The leftists always govern like their power is permanent. It’s not. Politics is like a pendulum. It swings both ways. The wider the swing to one side, the more it will eventually swing an equal amount past center in the opposite direction.

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