Around The MOB: Freedom Dogs

Blogging is a lot of fun – but it’s hard to keep it going for a long time.

One of the problems is that it can be a very solitary thing; it’s hard to keep up the output one needs to get established over a long, long time, all by oneself.

Back in 2004, there was a huge surge in blogs and blogging around the Twin Cities.  And over the course of the next year or two, many of those blogs gave it up.  And more than a few of them, thankfully, shut down their own blog and joined up with one of the other, larger group blogs that started springing up or, in some cases, coalescing from groups of people who liked blogging, but couldn’t quite justify the time it took to do it every single day.

I joked at the time that eventually the Twin Cities would their A-listers – Power Line, Captains Quarters – a few solitary holdouts (this was long before I’d entertained the notion of making Shot In The Dark a group effort), and several big group blogs that aggregated large groups of talented writers that wanted to blog, but couldn’t devote the time it took to get established on their own.

Even at the time, I joked that Freedom Dogs would eventually have 75 writers and an output rivaling Hot Air.

And I wasn’t far off!

The Dogs – led by Derek “Chief” Brigham – do the Twin Cities blogging community a great service by keeping a lot of good bloggers writing.

And there’s a lot of good writing . “Lassie” writes in re an Obama For America (OFA) email that didn’t pass the stink test:

Do we know that the OFA supporter would have survived even if she had “quality insurance,” or was her cancer too pervasive to defeat? As an ovarian cancer survivor, I dare say my insurance would not have saved me had I been one stage deeper with my spreading tumor. My chance for survival was just over 50%. We all have family and friends who lost their battles, despite being covered. Would government-run healthcare have saved her? Remember John Edwards’ claim that electing John Kerry as President would have made people like Christopher Reeve walk?

There’s no question that health care reform is needed. But to blame ObamaCare opponents for this poor woman’s loss to cancer is beyond belief. Tell OFA that if government takes over our care, that cancer patients will be waiting months to get seen and diagnosed – let alone getting treatment (if the panels have a say). Don’t believe me? Check out the survival stats for Canadians and Europeans under socialized medicine. Government doesn’t produce, and it certainly doesn’t heal.

Granted, it’s hard to pass the stink test against a dog.

Anyway – read the Dogs!

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