8 thoughts on “Stasilicious

  1. This will be interesting to follow. I wonder how many employees they have, how large is their investigative staff, and does a person know they ended up on this list?

  2. Every day, black gangs carjack and assault white people. The HenCo DA, Mary Moriarty, refuses to prosecute them. This is clearly a bias driven hate crime….go report it

  3. Also report:

    Bullying of children who do not wish to be indoctrinated in public schools
    Assaults on white people riding the choo choo train by drug addled, black thugs
    Pedophiles exposing their junk to children on the streets

    There are many ways to make use of this…it’s an opportunity to trigger the wretches behind it.

  4. Or perhaps all of the young people of pallor who’ve been denied admission to colleges and degree programs, but who have scores which would put other minorities into those same colleges and degree programs, could file complaints?

    Of course, I’d counsel them NOT to do that unless they wanted their names on a quiet blacklist. But it would be funny if it happened in a degree where the state couldn’t punish everybody.

  5. The data gathered will not be verified. It will be put into a report to justify more funding and perhaps legislation.
    In Britain they used to have this kind of thing, but it was reported to the police. They actually had their police investigate “non-crime hate incidents.” The Brits stopped doing it because they figured out pretty quickly that the cops would rather while away their work hours investigating “non-crime hate incidents” online than doing the hard work of tracking down criminals.

  6. The data gathered will not be verified. It will be put into a report to justify more funding and perhaps legislation.

    How can you be so cynical, MMP? If it saves just one person’s self-esteem, then the cost of the system and its management will be well worth it! /sarc

    I don’t see anything resembling a captcha. But I’m sure that no one will write a Selenium-driven script to report thousands or tens of thousands of hate-crime incidents in the coming weeks. No siree, only real human beings will log real “hate” incidents on this system…

  7. MMP, the Brits have made “misgendering” a criminal offense.

    How far are they from issuing kids ear horns and signing them up for “Junior Spies”?

  8. How far are they from issuing kids ear horns and signing them up for “Junior Spies”?

    I recall during my high school years in Germany. Some of my classmates had been born and raised in former East Germany. They or their older siblings had stories of how the Stasi would, through their agents– teachers, for instance– ask the schoolkids what did the clock looked like when their parents watched the evening news? An innocuous bit of info that helped the authorities which households might be watching Western broadcasts…

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