The Cherry On Top

Last week, I suggest that the Abenaki tribe should take Ben and Jerry’s up on their demand to “give America” back to the tribes that used to live there.

I suggested last week that that the Abenaki tribe that used to live where Burlington, Vermont – Ben and Jerry’s HQ – is today should take the company up on it, and reclaim the shores of Lake Iwannavirtusignal (or whatever it’s called).

And as if they were listening…

Dear Abenaki tribe: free airtime awaits. Have your people call my people.

7 thoughts on “The Cherry On Top

  1. So after the Lakota get the Black Hills back, do they plan to return the land to the people they stole them from? I believe that to be the Arikara.

    Historical footnote: Custer’s scouts at the Little Bighorn were Arikara. Gosh, why would they work for him? Revenge for the Lakota genocide against their people, maybe?

  2. Did I hear it right yesterday that Fat and Old’s lawyer said in an interview that Fat and Old were misunderstood and meant that public land should be returned, not private? Apparatchik bastards.

  3. Did Ben and Jerry’s buy their land directly from the Indian tribe? If not, title to private land is no different than public land. It all derives from a stolen just laundered through more intermediaries.

  4. Pig Bodine, excellent link, thanks.

    Here is the money quote from the article:

    The slaughter at Massacre Canyon represented only the final chapter in an almost endless litany of bloody, brutal intertribal conflicts that began long before Europeans arrived on the continent

  5. Public land, is that land owned by the government? So national parks go back, okay. White House, Congress, sure, why not.

    what about the local jail and courthouse? Do those buildings go back to the Indians? Is this a subterfuge to defund the police or do you expect the city government to buy more Land from private citizens through eminent domain, and doesn’t the land then become public land which has to go back? Seems circular and infinite.

    Would it really be so hard to be honest? Just say, “Look I got caught up in the moment, didn’t think things through, and i regret what I said. I do not expect anybody to give their land back to the Indian’s. But as a gesture of good Faith Ben and Jerrys pledges to give x millions of dollars to the tribe that occupied the land immediately before white men arrived. Hopefully that will show we are socially aware, generous, conscientious company, set an example for others, and put all this behind us.”

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