Don’t You DARE Say Big Left Is Coming For Your Kids!

I’m sure Planned Parenthood of Mankato will do a wonderfully dispassionate and culturally literate job…

…that won’t end up keeping customers coming back for life.


And don’t you dare call it indoctrination!

34 thoughts on “Don’t You DARE Say Big Left Is Coming For Your Kids!

  1. Why is it that people think educating children about reproduction is going to make them want to go out and reproduce? Does teaching them about history make them all want to be historians? Does teaching them about food production make them all want to be farmers?

    It’s not about sex, it’s about plumbing. Sex and sexuality are completely different, and more complex, issues. People in this country need to separate prurience from facts and give young people the facts. Ignorance doesn’t do anyone any favors, and it doesn’t prevent pregnancy.

    The sooner we teach children about their bodies and how to keep themselves safe and private and how to respect others and that none of it is dirty — the better.

    Abstinence is not knowledge — in fact it is the opposite.

  2. Why is it that some people think it is okay for strangers to talk to their children about sex?
    What kind of people want to talk to other peoples children about sex?
    What kind of person is attracted to a job like that?

  3. It strikes me that sex education really shouldn’t take a whole week, unless one desires to either (a) go into nauseating detail about all of the thirdy-odd STDs out there that one can get by fornicating or (b) what’s actually at hand (ewww….) is that Planned Infanticide wants to do training in how to fornicate in increasingly disgusting ways. Which is exactly what Planned Infanticide’s “Teenwire” has been doing for well over a decade.

    Or, for Planned Infanticide suppers, “OK, Groomer”.

  4. See what I did there? The blatherer wrote using generalities and abstractions. I wrote about the actual reality of the PP event. Actual adult strangers would like to talk to your teenage children about sex, and they are willing to pay for it.

  5. Maybe GOCRA or NRA could offer a week long, in -person, firearms safety education camp?

    The sooner we teach children about guns and how to keep themselves safe and how to respect others — the better.

  6. “Why is it that some people think it is okay for strangers to talk to their children about sex?”

    I believe the class is a choice and not a requirement. Since you choose not to have children —it’s not relevant to you and your wife.

  7. Perhaps if parents prefer a non-science based approach to sex education they should search out a private school that matches their belief system. Limiting what the rest of the children are taught is NOT what public education should be about.

  8. Seriously, has anyone ever said “I don’t want my kid to get science-based education about sex!”
    Nope. Instead they say “Why do these adults want to talk to my children about sex?”

  9. It is a Peer Education program meaning they expect campers to share what they learn with 10 of their peers over the summer to earn the gift card. This enables Planned Parenthood to preach to children of non-consenting families by proxy.

    Other religious groups call such messengers “apostles” or sometimes “propagandist.” “Influencer” is also popular.

  10. There is this weird bourgeois myth that working class and poor people need to have their kids educated to honor bourgeois values. Whatever those values are, it’s arbitrary. These days the bourgeois have adopted the fantastic belief that men can become pregnant. I imagine the PP summer camp will talk about “people with penises.” That’s science for ya!

  11. Come one, come all! Free science based sex education for children from planned parenthood! Learn how we perform abortions on pregnant men! Gaze in wonder at the bearded lady and the breast-feeding man.”

  12. Imagine how wacky the game of science-based sex ed “telephone” becomes when any sex can get any other sex pregnant.

  13. Hey, Big Guy, did you ever get your question about the gift card answered? I mean, can it be used towards the child’s first abortion?

  14. Perhaps if parents prefer a non-science based approach to sex education they should search out a private school that matches their belief system.

    Will the sex education give an honest appraisal of the failure rates of various forms of birth control?

    I’m sure that Planned Parenthood only has altruistic motives in teaching kids about sex. I’m sure they’re not looking at minting new customers and– by extension– pro-abortion voters.

  15. Hey, Big Guy, did you ever get your question about the gift card answered? I mean, can it be used towards the child’s first abortion?

    The first one’s a gift card, and then it’s replaced with a loyalty punch card.

  16. Sadly because of privacy laws etc we’ll never know how many of the summer camp attendees become PP customers within a year of the camp.

  17. I’ve reconsidered. I think Planned Parenthood is onto something with this stealth proselytizing idea. I’d like to try it.

    Successful long range shooting requires understanding of the physics and mathematics of ballistics. I’ve heard sniping called “weaponized math.”

    I’d like to offer a half-day course, science-based of course, teaching young people the fundamentals of math and physics involved in firearm proficiency. Parental consent required. Parental classroom attended recommended. Optional hands-on live-fire session available in the afternoon.

    Afterwards, each participant must go to school and share with 10 friends what was learned. Upon completion, I’ll give each participant a $150 gift card.

    Think anybody will have a problem with it?

  18. Successful long range shooting requires understanding of the physics and mathematics of ballistics.

    Hey, it’s about the only activity that makes use of coriolis effect (MP and his ilk notwithstanding). Can’t get more scientific than that!

  19. It’s not about sex, it’s about plumbing. -Emery

    So does Emery really believe that Planned Parenthood is handing out $150 gift cards to learn about plumbing?


    I mean, c’mon, really?

  20. How will they verify completion so the participant gets the gift card? Provide contact information for each of your 10 friends so that Planned Parenthood can follow-up by text message to clarify information and provide helpful resources to the students whose parents did not consent.

    Who will they share that contact information with?

  21. Speaking of weirdos coming for our kids, remember the Black cross-dresser who shot kids in Philly last week? Haven’t heard much about him in the news. Turns out the Mayor is hot to sue manufacturers of “ghost gun” kits because the shooter used one.

    No word on whether he actually built the “ghost gun” from the kit or illegally obtained it from someone else; whether he passed background checks for the non-ghost guns he owned or bought them from private parties; or whether he had permits to purchase firearms.

    Once again, politicians are using the issue of ghost guns to avoid talking about the myriad other failures of gun control policy. The cops suggest this guy had mental health issues. Gee, ya think? That’s the real failure – Liberals closed down the nuthouses and made it impossible to commit people so now they roam the streets buying weapons illegally and killing random strangers, including children.

  22. I can only imagine the response in school when a camp participant is asked what he did on summer vacation:

    “Where did you spend summer vacation, Pat?”
    “At an abortion clinic.”
    (other person moves away in a serpentine manner)

  23. Say rAT? What’s the mosquito count up there on mud lake these days 0-10, with 0 being very annoying to 10 being inhaling a meal with each breath?

    Maybe the kiddies could have their summer sex camp on your beach!…wouldn’t that be wonderful?

  24. You know, if Planned Infanticide taught things honestly, maybe I could get behind this.

    “If you sleep around like we describe on Teenwire, you can expect to have at least six STDs, two of them incurable, and two abortions. Your dreams of being a parent will probably be dashed as well, and you’re setting yourself up for lifelong battles with mental illness.”

    “The standard approach to gender dysphoria results in far higher rates of mental illness, suicidal ideation, and suicide than the general population suffers.”

    “Forty years after we learned what causes AIDS, we’re still getting over 30,000 new infections and over 10,000 deaths per year. Most are men who have sex with men, followed by prostitutes/johns and IV drug users.”

    Somehow I doubt that they are going to approach it that way.

  25. Here is the insane, non-scientific PP explanation about what it means to be a man or woman:
    It is garbage. No citations, it’s just opinion. It is literally like listening to some street corner nutter with a tin foil hat claiming that the Martians are controlling your thoughts.
    BTW, on SITD years ago, 2010 I think, I rang the alarm bell about so-called “experts” changing the definition of an infant’s sex from “sex identified at birth” to “sex assigned at birth.
    Kind of sux being right all the time.

  26. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 07.10.23 : The Other McCain

  27. In the last 48 hours Erdogan seems to have deliberately urinated all over Putin’s head. It’s been leaked that he sent cluster munitions to Ukraine, he’s said he’ll send Turkish warships to escort grain ships if there is no deal, he’s welcomed Sweden into NATO, and released the AZOV leaders back to Zelenskyy. Now, why has he done all that? Perhaps he thinks that such a display of contempt will hasten Putin’s exit with a replacement more to Turkey’s taste (a Turkish delight?). Perhaps he’s decided that Russia is heading for a really spectacular defeat and wants to be on the winning side? He’s a very canny politician so he’s definitely got a plan.

  28. From the “You can’t make this shit up” files. Anyone STILL thinks they are NOT coming for your kids?

    California Democrats Block Bill to Make Child Trafficking a Felony

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