
A friend of the blog emails:

[This advertiser] had it right.

Oh, I completely agree.

It was still morning in America.Notice, of course, thst it was 34 years ago. Reagan had barely left office. The Berlin Wall had yet to fall, but it was teetering.

But this is a good time to remind d you to be the backlash you want to see.

22 thoughts on “Bygone

  1. There is no backlash. We are living in the last days of Weimerica, where lunatics run free, and our government is a cabaret act to amuse us while the politicians stuff their pockets with heaps of worthless fiat currency.

    Good morning…gonna be a great day!

  2. It all began to change in the 1990s.
    “Our freedom is the source of our strength” became “Our diversity is the source of our strength.”

  3. It all began to change after the Hart-Celler Act passed in 1965. Then Reagan sealed our doom when he granted citizenship to 2.5 million Mexican mestizo’s who promptly flipped California to reprobate majority.

  4. ” . . . be the backlash you want to see.”

    Can’t. I’m saving my ammo for The Collapse of Civilization which I figure will occur right around the time Lesko Brandon is sworn in for his second stolen term.

    I was talking to a buddy about The Collapse, mentioned Blade’s idea of a remote compound with 600-yard free-fire zone. We agreed we’d love to form a collection of like-minded individuals to live in a defensible setting. Enough shooters to cover all directions, day and night. Enough support staff (spouses/children) to load magazines, make sandwiches, patch up the wounded. Enough food and ammunition to last the first year (after which most of the reprobates will have starved, died of disease or eaten each other). Plenty of post-apocolypse sci-fi books exploring how to do it. If everybody chipped in, wouldn’t be that expensive.

    Except we concluded people like The Emery Collective would declare us to be ‘domestic terrorists’ and Kamala would send the FBI to burn us out, Waco-style, which every Liberal and RINO would cheer for saving democracy.

    Still working on a replacement plan . . . . .

  5. I’m not so sure about Biden being re-elected in 2024, Bigman.
    The man could literally drop dead tomorrow, or be hit by a stroke. The polls show Biden neck and neck with Trump, who is nearly as old and who is facing multiple indictments. There is the prospect of Trump running from a literal jail cell as a convicted felon in 2024, and people ae still “Biden vs Trump? I don’t know.”
    The MSM, as usual, has Trump in the spotlight, where Trump wants to be, but Biden is an incredibly weak candidate for an incumbent.

  6. Keep in mind that after 2030, when Minnesota is powered 100% by electricity generated by a 100% renewable windmill/solar electric grid…you still are not free to go anywhere you want, anytime you want.


    ‘Cause we say so.

  7. MMP you are confusing polls with results.

    If every eligible voter in America cast a ballot for Trump, I suspect Biden would still win on the strength of fake ballots counted by apparatchiks in Democrat-controlled areas. It only takes about 12 states to get 270 electoral votes to “win” the election.

    Amusingly, the qualifications for President listed in the Constitution say natural-born citizen, more than 35 years of age and 14 years resident. Does not say “living.”

  8. Sorry, I see that my aside has diverted the conversation from Mitch’s post.

    That commercial reminds me of Captain Jack Sparrow’s description of his ship, The Black Pearl:

    “Wherever we want to go, we go. That’s what a ship is, you know. It’s not just a keel and a hull and sails; that’s what a ship needs. Not what a ship is. What the Black Pearl really is, is freedom.”

    And that’s why Liberals absolutely cannot STAND to let people drive their own cars anywhere and any time they like.

  9. If every eligible voter in America cast a ballot for Trump, I suspect Biden would still win on the strength of fake ballots counted by apparatchiks in Democrat-controlled areas.

    Not buying it.

    Sure corruption exists, sure fake votes are cast, but not on any grand scale.

    That would require a conspiracy theory.

    And I don’t buy conspiracy theories, they rarely work, primary because no one knows how to shut the F*** up.

    It always comes out, sooner or later.

  10. The Democrats don’t need a grand conspiracy to cast illegal votes, because they have been working on organizing and financing legal “get out the vote” efforts for decades.

    Just because it works does not mean it is a conspiracy or that it is illegal. Just because conservatives have failed to do what is F***ing obvious, does not suggest something sinister is going on.

    Having said that, of course there is always shady sh*t going on, always has been, always will be. Vote harvesting is shady – but in most cases not illegal. Bending election laws to place voting drop off boxes in liberal areas, but not in conservative areas is shady – but not illegal.

    Suppressing voter integrity measures is shady, but while it encourages dubious votes, it is not a matter of massive fraud. It is marginal at best – but many elections are won on the margins.

    Not doing the same sh*t as your opposition may be wonderfully moral, upright and clean – but it is stupid beyond belief.

  11. Here is how conspiracies are busted:

    Daily Mail: You have what?

    Caller: Like I said, I have a recording of election officials in our county conspiring to destroy ballots and stuff ballot boxes. They swung the governor’s race.

    Daily Mail: And you want how much for the story?

    Caller: $50K

    Daily Mail: Best we can do is $10K

    Caller: The New York Post offered me $25K.

    Daily Mail: We could go $30K, but I’d have to get corporate to agree.

    Caller: Hold on….. The Washington Examiner is on the line.

  12. Just one example: the Postal Inspector’s Report could not disprove a Post Office contractor’s claim that he hauled his usual semi-trailer which was filled with completed ballots from New York state to Pennsylvania, after which his trailer disappeared and he was assigned a different one. Pennsylvania reported 240,000 ballots could not be verified but were included in the final count to avoid disenfranchinsing Black voters, the majority of whom vote absentee, can’t follow the rules and submit ballots after the official deadline. Biden “won” Pennsylvania by 80,000 votes.

    Massive election fraud happened. The facts are out there. People just don’t want to believe them.

    A buddy coined a phrase to describe these actions: consensus of criminality. Stealing an election does not require a grand conspiracy of thousands of minions run by Doctor Evil from his mountain lair. It takes a small bunch of people willing to bend the rules then lying to cover their own asses, plus oversight officials who turn a blind eye, all in the common belief that the ends justify the means of defeating the Bad Orange Man. In their minds it’s not really wrong and even if it is, it’s justified because they’re saving the country.

    If every eligible voter outside Hennepin County voted for the Republican but Hennepin County reported one more vote for the Democrat, the Democrat Secretary of State would certify the result and the Democrat/RINO controlled Congress would accept it. 10 electoral votes for the Democrat. Repeat in 11 key states and viola, we’ve got a winner.

    We saw it in real time in 2020, when the vote totals jumped. We saw it in Georgia and Arizona, where the results made no sense but nobody was allowed to challenge them. We’re going to see it again in 2024. And people still won’t believe it. Because it would be upsetting to think “our democracy” is a sham.

    What a long, long way we’ve come since the commerical in Mitch’s post.

  13. I agree with Greg. In a 50-50 nation, all you need is a thumb on the scale.
    The Dems think that they have discovered the secret of winning all the state wide offices in 50-50 states: increase the votes in the heavily populated cities.
    There are an incredible amount of laws surrounding elections, and they differ from one jurisdiction to another. All you have to do is tweak your voting laws & practices so that your preferred demographic finds it easier to vote and have their vote counted. It’s not fraud, but it is rigging an election.
    In Wisconsin, the GOP has a near veto-proof majority in the state legislature, but the GOP loses statewide elections because while they get dramatically more votes than the Dems outside of Dane and Milwaukee counties, they win in Madison and Dane by a lot.
    All of the election law changes done in MN in the last session were intended to put that thumb on the scale.

  14. Kids today would be confused by the keys at the beginning of the ad, much less there being 2 keys. I’m old enough to remember needing 2 keys for each car.

  15. Bigman;
    I suspect that very few DemoCommies would survive the first month after the stuff hit the fan.

    About five or six years ago, I watched one of those “what if” documentaries on some cable station. They had a couple that looked like your typical woke suburbanites, who packed stuff into their Tahoe sized SUV and took off to find a safe space. They were parked on the side of a two lane highway in the middle of nowhere looking at a map. The wife looked up and noticed a vehicle headed for them. The man was afraid to ask them for help, so instead of taking off, they bailed out of their truck and hid in the trees. The approaching vehicle was an old Tacoma pickup, with three armed stereotypical red neck looking guys in it. The looked in the vehicle, while one of them got under the truck with an oil drain pan, punched a hole in the gas tank and drained it, then left the four of them stranded. That’s how I envision most of the wokies to end up.

  16. I’m old enough to remember needing 2 keys for each car.

    One round one square… Ahhh, the good ‘ole days

  17. I’m thinking that we are going to have the opportunity to see a lot of these things get reversed as the mass of moderate Americans see exactly what the left has pushed. Try going westward from Salt Lake–140 miles without services–in a Nissan Leaf with range of 80 miles. Or through Death Valley (also 140 miles without services last I knew), or for that matter up to Duluth when it’s 30 below in a vehicle that loses half its range at that temperature. Even a Tesla will have trouble with that.

    At some point, people will realize that what the environmental lobby wants isn’t just a hassle, but a hazard. We’re seeing the same kind of thing regarding trans people in womens’ sports. Many/most feminists are raising heck about the matter because they’re realizing that not only does this allow Megan’s List members into their locker rooms, but it also eliminates all of the gains they’ve made in sport in the past 50 years. The pushback will come.

  18. BB, it may be too late. These guys are smart, they try to insulate the bodies that form these policies and regs from democracy.
    The pain coming from the agreements made by diplomats to reach certain green goals by 2030 are now beginning to be felt. People are beginning to realize that the green future the elites have designed will be indistinguishable from poverty. For you — not for them.

  19. Just one example: the Postal Inspector’s Report could not disprove a Post Office contractor’s claim that he hauled his usual semi-trailer which was filled with completed ballots from New York state to Pennsylvania, after which his trailer disappeared and he was assigned a different one.

    A couple of questions based on simple logic:

    1) When is it the responsibility of any authority to disprove a wild-ass claim? Note: the claim of alien abduction made last week in Las Vegas has yet to be “disproven”.

    2) How did this “umbrella man” driver know that the ballots were “completed”? Does he make opening mail packages a practice?

    3) His trailer disappeared? Does that mean the post office is in on the conspiracy?

    4) Has a subpoena been issued for his manifest and bill of laden?

    5) What was the pickup point?

    6) What was the drop off point?

    7) What was this truckers name?

    8) Who loaded his truck? Name names.

    Inquiring minds want to know all of these things which are elemental to any investigation…

    Or maybe just a little healthy skepticism is in order..

    If every eligible voter outside Hennepin County voted for the Republican but Hennepin County reported one more vote for the Democrat, the Democrat Secretary of State would certify the result and the Democrat/RINO controlled Congress would accept it. 10 electoral votes for the Democrat. Repeat in 11 key states and viola, we’ve got a winner.

    – In 2022, Minnesota’s current estimated Voting Eligible Population is 4,140,218 (MN Secretary of State)

    – Hennepin County population estimate (2022) 1,260,121 (Wikipedia)

  20. A conspiracy isn’t needed if enough people are shooting for the same ideological target.

  21. A conspiracy isn’t needed if enough people are shooting for the same ideological target.

    Sounds like the very definition of democracy.

    Someone once said, “Politics belongs to those who show up.”

    In Minnesota, the GOP has absolutely no interest in winning elections. Their only purpose is to shake down mega-donors to channel money to their “consultant” friends.

    WSJ reported last week that an insane amount of money was spend on digital advertising:

    But the real home run is digital advertising. There is almost no transparency, few measures to audit and almost no way for a campaign to know how the ad money was spent. Social-media spending is fast and loose. No one knows how effective it is, let alone how much of the spending goes toward fees vs. actual ads. Ten percent to 80% fees are possible.

    So while Democrats send volunteers from door to door to collect ballots, the GOP dumps billions into consultants and Facebook.

  22. I am acquanted with some of Jehovah’s Witnesses and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Both of those religions require adherants to go out into the community to offer non-believers the chance of salvation. They are frequently met with scorn and derision by people unwilling to consider any religious belief but their own, unwilling to read different texts, unwilling to do their own research. That’s okay – the members’ job is not to convert, merely to offer – but they tell me it’s personally disheartening to have doors slammed in their face by closed-minded people.

    There are all sorts of beliefs and lots of scornfull closed-minded people. The difference is some of them are not going to hell, personally, they’re bringing hell here to all of us.

    Mitch, I apologize for the thread-jack. I’m done now. Over to you.

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