A Thousand Points Of Laser Focus

The DFL did so much damage this past session, it’s hard to track all of it.

Rep. Hudson did a pretty good job of cataloging it – and why it matters (expand the tweet to see it all).

I’ll be talking about this extensively on the show this Saturday.

3 thoughts on “A Thousand Points Of Laser Focus

  1. Recently I’ve been watching the British TV series, Endeavor. A phrase is popped up which interests me. It is ” tell the truth shame the devil”. This is a new phrase to me. Then last week I was in Downtown Minneapolis and I noticed someone else wearing a t-shirt with this phrase.

  2. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 06.22.23 : The Other McCain

  3. I may call in…you should put me on….it will be fun….no, really….fun

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