Urban Planning

SCENE: Minnesota DFL Executive Meeting.

KEN MARTIN (Chait of the MNDFL): Next order of business.

INGE “LUCKY” CARROLL (A former guidance counselor at a school for monomaniacs, Inge is Head Meme-Buffer at “Minnesotans United for All Progressive Causes”). Our next plan is to start building safe spaces for hard drug use.

STACEY HINTON (Executive Director of “Keep All Racists Eternally Nonplussed”, a white progressive support group). Brilliant.

GRETEL STROMBERG ()Executive Director of “Minnesotans United for All Progressive Causes”, Stromberg is married to both a woman and a male illegal immigrant) Here’s the news coverage:

KEN MARTIN: Great piece. Fawning and morally bankrupt without going too over the top.

STROMBERG: Like Esme Murphy. .

KEN MARTIN: Yep. Now, we’ll be building these “safe spaces” at places like Summit and Chatsworth, and Crocus Hill, and down amid the condos across from the Guthrie…

( Entire group sits silently, in disbelief, jaws literally dropping).

KEN MARTIN: Hah! You shoulda seen your faces. Nope, we’re building them among the proles.

(Various expressions of relief)

KEN MARTIN: So – between legal weed and shooting galleries, and the schools teaching the next generation to be ignorant, uncritical , compliant and distracted by contrived grievances, the next generation should be really solid DFL voters!~

Round of applause as the scene fades to black.

26 thoughts on “Urban Planning

  1. The NPR writer does not understand that the proponents of “safe injection spaces” are not responding to claims that the sites increase crime and encourage drug use.
    Critics say supervised injection sites encourage drug use and bring crime to surrounding communities. Proponents argue that they save lives and can help people in addiction reconnect with society and get health services.

  2. messed up the italics:
    Critics say supervised injection sites encourage drug use and bring crime to surrounding communities. Proponents argue that they save lives and can help people in addiction reconnect with society and get health services.

    Think of how weaselly the “proponents argue” statement is. The “save lives” statement is likely true, in the short term, but at what cost? They are making the burden of addiction easier to bear, they are literally enabling people to consume dangerous drugs. That is their purpose. “[C]an help.” is a meaningless statement.

  3. Probably not a good idea to site a “shooting gallery” in a neighborhood. You know, children and all.

    How about a centrally placed, publicly owned site, accessible by public transit, that is in no one’s backyard?

    I am thinking Minneapolis City Hall.

    Saint Paul City Hall too.

    The State Capital also fits the bill.

  4. Howabout LRT stations & stops?
    You’ve got to go to the customer.

  5. mmp
    by moving the shooting galleries to the LRT MN will be able to provide the ambiance of European train stations for all the would-be trainspotters of MPLS StPaul.

  6. “Save lives…”

    Mandatory incarceration. Don’t enable drug abusers, lock them up, not as punishment for an addiction but as protective custody for those who are unable to care for themselves.

    That would save their lives. Why don’t we think of that as an option?

  7. Speaking of urban planning, here is a blatant threadjack, but wanted to share. I am sure you have seen reports of scientists figuring out how to extract power from thin… ok, moist… air. No word in any articles about Tesla and Wardenclyff. None. Maybe Roentgen was right, everything had already been discovered and we are just too stupid to understand it.

  8. I am really at a loss for how to deal with hard core addicts. The recidivism rate among people who go to drug treatment is awful, and even worse for those who are forced into drug treatment.
    Why do the people who want to legalize street drugs think it will make things better? They could be a lot worse. If the government gave away free fentanyl you would still ave a crime problem because the addicts can’t work, don’t want to work, and they have needs aside from fentanyl.

  9. mmp
    as solutions go, most likely progressives will keep doing what they are currently doing; wait until the junkie commits a crime serious enough and put them in prison for several years or plan for an early OD death with state financed cremation. While it is the most callus approach it has the charm of providing an eventual resolution.

  10. My response to all questions regarding criminals and addicts (forgive the redundancy) is: “Ever wondered why God created the Aleutians?”

    The Kerguelen Islands are another option, though they are (nominally) owned by the French. Perhaps we could lease them.

    They say the weather in both places is….. rather brisk.

    Ought to be sobering.

  11. I think Greg is right, but he doesn’t go far enough.

    I don’t know why DemoCommies don’t just recruit junkies for political positions. Up and down the line, local to federal. Keep ’em drugged up, they’ll vote for anything they’re told to.

    Sure there might be an embarrassing episode or ten like falling down in public or showing up for work dressed like a trannie or a junkie. But these “experiments” exist as proof positive that left and liberal voters will vote for literally anything with a D after the name. Why not give ’em the consequences good and hard.

  12. ^ I should add that I was responding to this of Greg’s suggestions for where to put “shooting galleries”:
    I am thinking Minneapolis City Hall.

    Saint Paul City Hall too.

    The State Capital also fits the bill

  13. Of course the DFL wants to make everything worse. That way, they can once again call on government expansion to do more. And that ‘more’ will make things worse and so around we go. I want to make it harder to be a homeless drug addict not easier. Put them in jail, put them in facilities that dry them out, put them in mental health facilities. Keep putting them somewhere!!! Yes, yes, yes, I am aware we will need to build these facilities and staff them but i think it is money better spent than on choo choos and the Met Council.

  14. Shooting galleries – now there’s a thought! Why not designate a place where gangbangers can schedule appointments to settle their differences? Something well bunkered to protect the innocent bystanders, and of course ear and eye protection would be mandated and provided. The place could even run specials, like “Tuesdays are Crips Night!” Since they’re always going to do this behaviour anyway, we need to think of how to protect others.

  15. gangbangers can schedule appointments to settle their differences

    I’m not sure this could sound anymore whyte than it does. 😉

  16. Minnesota is a step closer to allowing designated spaces where people can:

    ~ use drugs in a controlled environment
    ~ sodomize young boys in a controlled environment
    ~ cut the budding breasts off 13 year old girls in a controlled environment
    ~ loot in a controlled environment
    ~ beat elderly White women in a controlled environment

    I would add indoctrinate children with leftist insanity in a controlled environment, but Minnesota already spends >40% of their yearly skim on that.

  17. ^ You list those things, Blade, as if they were Bad. Sodom and Gomorrah were just like everyone wanted except for that one malcontent family.

  18. Practically bettyboop is on the right track only it should be progressive for each incident i.e. first time 60 days treatment/incarceration, 2nd time 6 months treatment/incarceration, 3rd time 18 months treatment/incarceration, 4th time civil commitment for an indefinite term. For those who complain that it leaves the junkie without hope – yes it does, their only hope is sobriety.

    NW it could be televised,as a semi-scripted reality show with a betting line. – there is after all no reason not to profit at their expense. Hell maybe this would be a way back into american homes for Bud Light – they could branch out and sponsor violent miscreants.

  19. There was a movie, called “The Purge”, where for a 12 hour period each year, all crime is legal, even murder and emergency services are suspended.

    Blacks have taken that premise and, with the assistance of the degenerates, run with it. It’s working pretty well, I must say.

    Now the degenerates are taking the premise, singling out the crimes and savagery they like, and making it a year round deal.

    Leftist degenerates are embracing the chaos, but some people, especially Vote Harder®, Neo-Con Patriots™ don’t realize dystopia is here, and it’s only going to get worse, much worse, until it gets better.

  20. Blade;
    Even though the DemoCommies are a criminal enterprise and love anyone that breaks the law no matter how long ago they broke it, they would never approve enabling a Purge style event. They know that half of them would be dead in the first hour.

  21. How much does it cost to keep a person in civil commitment per year? fifty or sixty thousand bucks? And keep in mind, while the committed person may have some issues, they are as sane as anyone else as long as they are kept away from drugs, and they will be motivated to escape.

  22. This is actually quite prescient.

    Now that compound building (we got an address!) has commenced in earnest at my little hog enterprise at the swamp, it’s time to install the gate and security cameras.

    Spent a bunch of time researching the best products. Besides reliability, my wireless cameras must have encrypted comms and at least 3 day battery backup for the solar. GNS wireless is a great source for wireless infrastructure, but there is not one US made security camera company that met my specs. That is fucked up.

    Got everything shipped the last couple weeks. This weekend, we’re stringing wire, boys.

  23. They have a drug that makes alcohol useless for people. Take it and you can’t get drunk. I think the military uses it on their hard cases.
    I bet if there were some miracle drug that would do the same thing for every intoxicating drug, and you forced hard core drug addicts to take it, they would do crazy things like spinning and choking themselves to get dizzy. Or they’d get depressed and off themselves. The end result would be the same as giving them as much of their drug as they wanted
    Isn’t the junky’s goal to get as stoned as possible w/o dying?

  24. ^^ I am a huge supporter of forced treatment.
    Our society insists that everything people do is a “decision” when often it is just a reflex. We insist on letting people maintain their autonomy for two reasons: we are a country that values independence above everything else, and we are too cheap, too moralistic and too disdainful of addiction and mental illness to acknowledge that people who have these conditions need frequent and long-term support, that they are not and cannot necessarily be independent. This offends us, so we cast them off.

    What good are “rights” if they end up in death? No one chooses addiction; it chooses them. Once the brain is hooked, it will turn the person into a drug-seeking machine, and this is not independence, but despair. Someone who breaks into their parents’ home to get money for drugs is not someone whose autonomy need be respected. They are out of control. This should not be a criminal matter, but a medical one.

    Mandated treatment can restore people to themselves, to a condition in which they are truly able to decide. Therefore, choose a productive and sober life.

  25. Got everything shipped the last couple weeks. This weekend, we’re stringing wire, boys.

    It’s going to take more investment, effort, and time, but I’d recommend putting it underground in PVC conduit. Harder to disconnect with wire cutters or an expendable vehicle (trying to take out a pole supporting an overhead line).

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