Mitch Edits Hollywood For Accuracy


“Bill Hader perfectly illustrates the cultural left’s paranoid bigotry mixed with hysteria about “gun culture” with a single, dull-witted, cliche-clogged four minute scene from some streaming show I’ve never paid attention to.”

(CORRECTION: I guess it was just 30 seconds. Who knew?)

11 thoughts on “Mitch Edits Hollywood For Accuracy

  1. American white male walks into a discount store, legally buys a rifle, walks out.

  2. Wonder where that store is? Plainly not in Woodbury, I checked. No rifles there.

    When we visited my nephew stationed at Camp LeJeune in North Carolina, I stopped at a local Mom-and-Pop convenience store to buy gas and grab a six-pack of beer. It was in the cooler in the back with the live bait, next to the shelves of ammunition and black rifles, right by the boiled peanuts.

    Man, that was one expensive stop. And that was before I went to the ABC for whiskey.

  3. I don’t get what “problem” they were portraying in the video clip.

    Was the guy a person who’s rights had been curtailed as a result of due process of law?

    If not, all I see is a free person acting like a free person. Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to work in a free society?

  4. Not a very good movie. I much preferred Michael Douglas’s character in “Falling Down.”

    “I’m the bad guy? How’d that happen? I did everything they told me to. Do you know I build missiles? I help protect America. Should be rewarded for that. Instead they lied to me.”

    And now a guy can’t even buy a simple rifle without selling part of his soul.

  5. OK, wait a minute; guy walks through a store with a cold look on his face, no uniform, and an AR strapped across his back, and nobody notices?

    I think we have a champion for the “bad acting” division of commercials!

  6. You know how gun psychos (like the vegas shooter) somehow believe that they need 50,000 rounds of ammunition?
    I think it would be hilarious to go to a gun shop and ask if I can by a 22 bolt action target pistol and FIFTY THOUSAND ROUNDS OF 22 LR!!

  7. Apparently MN has now restored the vote to thousands of convicted felons.
    There are images floating around the web of Mn SecState Steve Simon at a photo op with a group of felons registering to vote.
    Does the DFL not realize how normies see stuff like this? “Giving the right to vote to convicted felons” is not exactly a moderate position to begin with, and when all of the felons shown are black, what kind of message is that?
    For thirty years DFL’rs claimed that blacks were not predisposed to criminality, now DFL’rs say that they are predisposed to criminality, but that’s the fault of white people.

  8. California, where “Barry” is set, has a 10 day waiting list and mandatory background checks. Barry is a dark comedy about Hollywood hypocrisy and divorce from reality and absurdist to the max and this scene fits right in. Being upset over some “factual” representation in “Barry” is like being annoyed at Salvador Dali’s depiction of reality. Really, it’s an outstanding series and the finale was pure genius (and I personally can’t remember any wokeisms).

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