Question For Emery And Other DFLers/Democrat Commenters

At what point in your mother’s pregnancy with you was it no longer OK to abort you?

Put another way – when did your life acquire moral weight? When did your choice – and existence – become something warranting defending?

Not some generic “woman”; your mother.

Not some abstract “fetus”; you.

Please leave an answer in the comments.

And if your answer is any variation of “It was entirely my mother’s choice, up until the moment I emerged” – in other words, that your very justification for existence didn’t develop moral weight until another human said it did, feel free to follow up with a logically consistent reason that murder is wrong. Either that, or consider me to have branded you a moral coward, and see yourself out.

Only Democrats/Lefties/pro-choicers in the comments, please.

24 thoughts on “Question For Emery And Other DFLers/Democrat Commenters

  1. Why are we so hung up on “emerged”, or as the haters call it “birth”?

    Why should a woman’s right to choose arbitrarily stop there?

    This needs to change.

    Would someone please alert Alida Rockefeller Messinger to this injustice?

  2. I’m not in the targeted group, but a question I have for the abortion people is: at what point in Stanley Dunham’s unplanned pregnancy would it have been ok to abort the future 44th President?

  3. Looking forward to the MBerg and Pig Bodine gala fundraiser for unplanned pregnancies and adoption services. May I suggest a worthy recipient —

    Amnion also has a Walk for Life on Saturday, June 3. They welcome corporate sponsors.

    The vast majority of Americans support abortion rights and the rights of women to make their own reproductive decisions. I wish MBerg and other conservatives were as motivated to preserve the lives of living, breathing, productive people in our society massacred by gun violence as they are about controlling the bodies of 50% of the population.

  4. EMERY: “At what point in your mother’s pregnancy with you was it no longer OK to abort you?”

    I’ll join the chorus…you are a moral coward…see yourself out troll.

  5. I raised the kids I was involved in conceiving, and a few more besides.

    Answer my question.

  6. Very much looking forward to MBerg utilizing his band ‘Elephant in The Room’ to raise funds for unplanned pregnancy and adoption services. May I suggest a worthy recipient-

    Keystrokes are effortless—action is much more productive.

  7. I give to a crisis pregnancy center that supports women who decide not to abort their kids. If they want us to play a benefit, we’ll play it.

    Answer my question.

  8. It’s a beautiful day on the lake — too beautiful to get caught up in your nonsense. Have a great weekend!

  9. Democratic socializm is when the cost of every problem is spread across all of society, for fairness. Uninsured motorists, hospital bills for gangbangers, illegal aliens – we’re glad to pass along those costs to all of you. It’s only fair.

    And that includes taxpayer funded abortion on demand up to the point of birth. We simply must socialize those costs in order to give full effect to the mother’s reproductive choices.

    Except mothers who do NOT want to kill their babies. That’s their problem. Society has no money for that. Hold a bake sale.

    Why do Liberals hate mothers and want to deny them reproductive choices? Why is there only one acceptable reproductive choice?

  10. It’s a beautiful day for you because someone decided to bring you into the world.

    If you – plural, but you’re part of the plurality – don’t have the moral courage to say with some conviction when your own life acquired value by your own standards, why should we respect your (pl) views when deciding what moral weight another person’s “fetus” has?

    Because there is no morally honest answer on abortion until we have some common conception (as it were) of the value of a baby/”fetus”.

    Emery won’t try to answer that. To be fair, neither will any other pro-choicer.

  11. Hey rAT!

    Where did you get your JD, your MD, Your MBA?

    Who bestowed your PhD in ChemE?

    Post a pic of your smiling face at the FaBUlOuS LaKEfRoNt Estate. Keep identifying landmarks out of the pic…just hold a sign that says “suck it SiTD!” then we’ll know its you.

    We all think you’re a lying, rat bastard, scumbag, piece of shit. Here is your Big Chance to own the Conservatives! 👍🏻

    tia, rAT!

  12. Mitch, we say this because we care about you: it’s time to ban him. He didn’t answer the question did he? And you said if he didn’t to show himself out, right?

  13. Emery on May 11, 2023 at 9:50 am said: nothing important and rather derogatory as a naive leftist would.

  14. Loser. I’m sure you have no life and people in your circle (if there are any) are usually laughing at you behind your ugliness.

    Emery on May 11, 2023 at 10:38 am said:
    It’s a beautiful day on the lake — too beautiful to get caught up in your nonsense. Have a great weekend!

  15. Fuck him Mitch. He’s a piece of shit that neither adds anything of value, nor does his absence deter lively conversations.

    Cosmic has him twigged; he has no life, no friends. His first thought in the morning is “time to slag SiTD”.

    Let him sit atop his pile of rotting garbage, feces and dead cats, reading and seething in silence.

  16. Besides, y’all have me to insult, slag and mock Conservatives. I’m a pro.

  17. Why do Liberals hate mothers and want to deny them reproductive choices? Why is there only one acceptable reproductive choice?

    Bigman, this is part of the larger question of why the left is obliterating womanhood/femininity/motherhood. If a man can have a baby, if a man can be voted “woman of the year”, then for what are women needed? Surely not merely for ornamentation, heavens no!

    It all comes back to the patriarchy winning. It’s not too far a leap to say at an even more fundamental level, it all ties back to Malthusianism. They want humanity dead and extinct. Consider the following:

    Abortion on demand and the connected shaming of anything trying to reduce abortions.

    Shaming and Erasing feminine motherhood. (breeders/bleeders)

    Mutilating young females preventing them from ever having children should their minds change later in life (as many anecdotes point to happening).

    Brainwashing 2/3 of the country into gleefully accepting COVID jabs (and sweeping attempts at mandating them for the rest of us who can think critically)

    The resulting deleterious health effects (including massive increases in miscarriages) from said jabs. Also the hundreds (thousands?) of perfectly healthy athletes who “died suddenly” (WHY THE HELL DID THIS NOT BECOME A UBIQITOUS HASHTAG?!?!!?!)

    Hell, even the production of the COVID virus itself and it’s concurrent increase in deaths.

    The upending of law and order which increases crimes up to and including murders.

    The leftist attorneys and judges who run the revolving door justice system (aided by leftist mayors and city councils which hamstring their police, which allows minor and medium criminals to repeatedly re-offend, escalating all the way up to manslaughter and homicide .

    More gun control for law abiding citizens. (pertaining to self-defense, not resisting government)

    Bill Gates’ incessant push for global birth control.

    The Climate Change Movement’s attempt to demonize CO2 as a greenhouse gas resulting in my elementary school equation: Less CO2 = fewer plants = less oxygen = less human/animal life.

    Every night, Malthus is having posthumous wet dreams.

  18. Why should The Emery Collective answer your questions, Mitch?

    They post what they want, when they want.

    If you don’t like it, go get your own blog.

  19. raise funds for unplanned pregnancy

    Golly gee, you mean if I didn’t plan something, I am not responsible for it?

    Whoa!!! That raises a whole world of possibilities.

  20. Unplanned? There is one method of avoiding pregnancy that works every time it’s tried. Sometimes called the “Bayer Aspirin” method. Ask your grandma.

  21. face it guys Leftists cant debate this ir answer honestly. Hell by standards set in the 1990s I’m of the Bill Clinton safe legal and rare camp. Also for exceptions regarding r a p e, I n c e s t, sand the life of the mother. But in 2023 with Roe V Wade overturned and the overton window having been thrown off a cliff in a radical pro-life today. Especially when the other side thinks its moral/legal to unalive a baby as it’s literally being born. Which I 100% believe is Emerys stance hes just too scared to say it because it makes him seem like a monster and still has some semblance of a soul.

  22. If you can’t tell us when your life acquired moral weight, one needs to ask – did it?

    Could your mother STILL abort you?

    Why not, and as of when?

  23. Pingback: Questions No Democrat Can, Will, Or Is Allowed To Answer | Shot in the Dark

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