
There’s sure been a lot of aggressive rhetoric from the DFL, especially its “LGBTQ” caucus, for the past (checks watch) 24 hours or so.

Here’s Alicia Kozlowski, elected representative from Duluth and, as such, person witih a lifetime sinecure of living on the public dime ahead of her:

Wow. That sounds serious.

It’s certainly got Rep Kozlowski’s dudgeon up:

And then there was Rep Leigh Finke with, curioiusly, the exact same type of rhetoric:

Wow. Two marquee members of the LGBTQ caucus making “defiant” noises.

I wonder what’s up with that?


A Republican lawmaker was verbally accosted by a Democratic colleague on the House floor Wednesday because she shared a tweet from the organization Gays Against Groomers, she told Alpha News.

Rep. Dawn Gillman, R-Dassel, retweeted a post regarding legislation that would have removed existing language in Minnesota law stipulating that pedophilia is not a protected sexual orientation.

The bill was sponsored by Rep. Leigh Finke, DFL-St. Paul, who confronted Gillman about the retweet. Gillman said she was “yelled at and intimidated” by Finke, who apparently shouted “no!” when a colleague suggested moving the conversation off the floor.

“My interaction on Wednesday evening with Rep. Finke left me shaken and fearing for my personal safety. Instead of coming to talk to me, I was yelled at and intimidated on the House Floor,” Gillman told Alpha News. She said that this type of behavior wouldn’t be tolerated in other workplaces.

The incident was corroborated by multiple representatives who were there. Gillman asked to be escorted to her car after session.

Finke reportedly upbraided [1] Gillman over circulating this article.

Several questions, here:

  1. Is House HR going to get involved, or are they still chasing after Peter Callaghan?
  2. Is House HR going to come after me for writing this?
  3. If this story is accurate, it’d appear that the House Cisgender Caucus is the one that needs a mutual defense agreement.
  4. I wonder if writing this is going to put me afoul of the DFL’s new Social Credit policy?

Speaking of Social Credit policy, I’ll be talking about that, the Giillman/Finke incident, and much. more on the show tomorrow. Tune on in.

[1] The word “upbraiding” doesn’t get nearly enough use.

20 thoughts on “Aggression

  1. If you ever find yourself in an aisle at The Big Box Store with a screaming, thrashing toddler….

    …give them whatever they want.

  2. My fearless prediction: MN GOP will slink away and give Libturds all they want and then some, lest they be spoken to in a terse voice ever again. That will show them!

  3. jpa,

    It matters not what the MN GOP does, only what the Strib and ilk say they do.

    The left won the culture war when they won the newsrooms. Many of us old guys remember how this happened. Hint: it was tied to the “diversity of voices” ie, leftist women and minorities who the white cis males grew justifiably frightened of.

    The same happened in every institution in the land.

    The solution is rather simple: wear the badge of racist, misogynist, homophobe, transphobe with pride.

  4. My, that’s a *very* impressive display of law makers, lads. Very impressive indeed.

    I’m sure they’re just getting warmed up and have many big plans for the hub of the Eunuchverse.

    Just think of the wonderful castrato chorale groups!

  5. This is the new normal, folks. I am back in USSR and 99% voter participation and 99% votes cast for selected party candidates. With GOP in blue states showing less and less spine and true conservatives refusing to run as they pack up their trailers, we are headed for Two Americas, as Edwards envisioned. I do not think, to my greatest regret, this can be reversed. The wheels are in motion and this titanic ain’t turning even though the iceberg is in full sight.

    This morning’s Times email, which is curated by David Leonhardt, the Times’s “senior writer” who writes for “The Times’s flagship daily newsletter,” said this morning: “Strange as it may sound, the American government can function without a healthy president.”

  6. “The solution is rather simple: wear the badge of racist, misogynist, homophobe, transphobe with pride.”

    We Nazis and Klan members look down our noses at those wanna-be’s.

  7. Big, hulking DFL man threatens smaller GOP wife & mother at the capitol for speaking her mind.

  8. Pingback: Speaking Of Which… | Shot in the Dark

  9. Imagine voting for a political party that will vilify you for stating the most basic fact of human existence: Men are not women, and women are not men.

  10. Were i Representative Gillian’s husband, I would enroll her in a course in tae kwon do or other self defense discipline. That way, the next time a fake chick accosts her, she can knock his ass out. I know a couple of petite women in their late 50s and early 60s that are less than 120 lbs take down some pretty big boys.

  11. Year after year incidents of violence from the left against the right continue to pile up, yet the trained seals in the media keep barking “right wing violence”.

    Where’s dog breath when you need a good laugh, cuz I’m sure she would be a loyal parrot of the lamestream mediots lies.

  12. “Reason and science tell me that a man can become pregnant and bear a child. Now listen to my equally rational opinions on man-made global warming, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and how to best grow our economy.”

  13. Speaking of aggression, the RF is hammering gthe Uke’s right now with missiles…I thought they were out of missiles.

    Also, the Ruskies have started deploying their most advanced aircraft, which means they’ve either neutralized the Uke S300 batteries, or the Uke’s have run out of ammo, or spare parts, or both.

    This shitshow is over. The US and NATO have been shamed.

  14. MP at 12:56, it would be funny if it was not true and that belief system was not shoved down our throats at the barrel of weaponized IRS, DOJ, EPA, ATF, DNS, DHS, etc, etc, etc…

  15. Huh. Kozlowski doesn’t seem to be a typical Ojibwe name. It is as if someone’s emphasizing one part of her (?) ancestry instead of another. Didn’t they used to call it cultural appropriation?

    Side note; nice threadjack, Kremlin Tom. But if we must, most of the missiles fired by Russia were shot down, and the two that hit targets hit…civilian targets. Keep cheering for your favorite war criminals and terrorists, though, “Sheets”.

  16. JPA, Biden has installed DEI as the primary mission of every executive office. people like to think that they would have heroically struggled against the Nazis.
    Nope. They are bourgeois, easily manipulated. They have no integrity, threaten their livelihood or their social status, watch them line up. Democracy and human rights mean nothing to them.

  17. Vlad, I do not have dog in the Uke vs Russia fight. I think it is more important that the US & NATO have put themselves in position where they cannot win and cannot lose. All they can do is escalate. It is utter madness.

  18. Read the guy’s wikipedia bio. For Leigh Finke, being trans is just the next step in his racket. In today’s DFL you fade into the background if you are merely homosexual. But put on a dress and wig and it is payday.

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