Blue America Calling

I’ve been inadvertently mis-scheduling posts lately.  It’s been a busy week. 

But my work ethic doesn’t like having just one post for a day.  

So – how about Chicago: Mobs (plural) of teens not at all stochastically terrorize THE FREAKING LOOP:

Or, to put it in the mob’s own words and pictures:

One couple who got mobbed and rescued by a good samaritan as the Chicago PD drove languidly past:

The “young man”, the boyfriend in the piece above, was black, btw.

Fearless prediction: it’s coming to Minneapolis. This summer. Just you watch.

11 thoughts on “Blue America Calling

  1. “There aren’t any grownups. We shall have to look after ourselves.” – Lord Of The Flies – William Golding

    Coming soon to your neighborhood.

  2. There is no appetite on the part of city leadership to rein this crap in, and there is no appetite among the voters to elect new leaders. So it will continue.
    Look at Minneapolis: no one is seriously suggesting a fix for the problem. They deny there is a problem, they insult people who complain the fantastic increase in crime, they say the only solution is to end “white supremacy,” whatever that is. The argument is circular, if there was no white supremacy, there would be no crime, since there is crime, there must be white supremacy. Frey seems like a smart guy, yet he plays along with it. What a miserable, shriveled soul he must have.

  3. Actual quote from mayor-elect was that youts were hungry, as he refused to condemn looting.

  4. Well, at least the droogs can’t say that evil, rich white people suppressed the riots. That area is just off Michigan Avenue and is prime commercial space. I’m certainly not surprised though, because 90% of the properties are fat boy Pritzker’s cronies.

  5. City Hall (just down the street from this) seems to be blissfully unaware that when the crown jewels of a city are violated, the major employers and taxpayers often decide to leave, or at least to reduce their presence there. Even Detroit realizes that bad things will happen if they don’t protect the Renaissance Center.

  6. Zelensky and his Capos revealed for traitors and thieves, and his favored people shown to be mindless animals.

    It’s been a couple real hard days for Bikebubble, and the Virtue Corps. in general.

  7. Mr. Bubble, perhaps if you went to Chicago and reasoned with them?

    They will probably kill you, but you will cement your “At least I’m not a Klansman” credit in stone.

  8. Oh, and for the rest of you Conservative Patriots™️; I wouldn’t be looking down your noses too far at Chicongo. You’re one more black mayor away from far worse.

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