Nothing Says “Understanding The Budweiser-Drinking Demographic”…

…like a resume that looks like this:

It’s the woman who made, uh, trans-woman Dylan Mulvaney the poster…um, person for, not Stella Artois, not even Blue Moon, but..

…Bud Light.

Beege at and our old friend David Strom at Hot Air run down the rest of the story.

Nothing says Bud Light like…well…

Thing is, I didn’t like Bud Light before this. It is barely drinkable. It isn’t even legally beer in Europe. It’s malted battery acid. Bilge drippings.

What the hell’s a guy supposed to boycott?

33 thoughts on “Nothing Says “Understanding The Budweiser-Drinking Demographic”…

  1. Upper middle class and wealthy women are the drivers of wokism.
    What they teach people in feminist studies is that their life has no meaning aside from pushing the latest social justice fad.
    Kids, Husband, Family = Meaningless.
    Upending social norms & challenging the patriarchy = Meaning.

  2. Forbes
    Feb 2, 2023,09:00am EST

    Bud Light Signals New Era In Marketing
    Alissa Heinerscheid is the first woman to take the helm and lead the Bud Light brand.

    New era = extinction

    Coke: “We’re gonna do ‘New Coke’. Gonna be swell”

    Heinerscheid: “Hold my Chardonnay”

  3. Heinerscheid is making national news as a colossal buffoon. But she proudly lists the academic record that brought her to this debacle.

    rAT, what institutions of higher learning bestowed the PhD(s), MBA, JD, MD that you have been soiling?

    What hospital made the epic mistake of taking you in for internship?

    We’re all waiting for transparency, rAT. ChatGPT told you it’s the right thing to do.

  4. I had not seen that clip. Tranny frolicking in the tub, blowing bubbles and quaffing Bud’s.

    *Now* I can see the attraction for your average Bud Light drinker. Makes perfect sense.

  5. “What the hell’s a guy supposed to boycott?”


    When I was young and stupid, I drank weak American mass produced beer because I didn’t know any better. Even then I wasn’t a fan of Bud and stuck with Coors and Coors Light. Then I got stationed in Europe and found out what real beer is supposed to be like.

    That was long before the “craft brewery” craze hit the US. Now there are all manner of quality US made beers to choose from. Why anyone would still drink that weak, tasteless garbage is beyond me.

    As such I couldn’t care less what stupid decisions Budwieser’s marketing team makes. I wouldn’t drink their swill if they paid me to do it no matter who they choose for their spokeswierdo.

    Well…OK…maybe if they paid me, but that would be the only way. And they’d have to pay well.

  6. Often, boycotters are put off by the reach of the corporations that own the brands they eschew, jdm.

    Personally, I don’t think lots of subsidiaries is a problem. Target the offensive brand, that way everyone knows why that brand in particular is failing.

    In this case, it took more than tasting like carbonated piss to kill it.

  7. Why anyone would still drink that weak, tasteless garbage is beyond me.

    If the goal is to get wasted but not spend as much, it theoretically works. My buddies used similar logic when we’d get a case of Blatz or Huber for $4 in returnable bottles (extra $1.25) back in the day. Still not sure how Dylan Mulvaney reaches that market segment, but whatever.

  8. IMO, the gold standard for American, mass produced suds is, and always has been PBR.

    It actually has pretty good flavor, but it has to be consumed ice cold.

  9. I don’t drink beer. Can’t stand the stuff. But I like a good ad and I like Bud’s horsies. What happened to those?

    i also see that Nike has a guy to peddle it’s women’s line of sportswear. As a woman, I am getting really tired of this stuff. We had already boycotted Nike though over Colin Kaeppernick so nowhere to go on that. Frankly with all that is going on, I am feeling pretty powerless in this world.

  10. My high school senior trip: the bus pulled out of the school parking lot in Missouri about an hour after the graduation ceremony, headed for Daytona Beach. You had to be 21 to drink legally in Missouri. When we hit Tennessee we were “legal” and my buddies and I collected money and went into the gas station liquor store. With an eye to a bargain, we were picking up 12-packs of Bud products – and then we saw the cases of 16-oz Old Milwaukee for $1.69 a six-pack. Being recent high school graduates, we could do the math. Being young and stupid, we didn’t know what we were in for.

    Back on the bus, even our un-cultured taste Buds could recognize chilled swill. Nasty, nasty stuff. But we’d spent a lot of beer money on it. The solution the rest of the trip was to buy better beer, drink that first until our tongues were numb, then start drinking Old Milwaukee. Every morning, though, someone had to collect whatever was left of the OM and put it in the bus. When we were down to the last can on the last day, a guy chugged it. Said he’d actually gotten to where he kind of liked it. I don’t know what ever became of him.

  11. right on cue:

    Backlash: Country Star Travis Tritt Dumping Anheuser-Busch from His Tour After Dylan Mulvaney Deal

  12. Molson Coors is the biggest winner. InBev must be really proud of their marketing department and Molson Coors can divert their ad dollars to increase production. Boop, I am afraid them draft horses will have to be sold for glue by InBev to keep Bud brand alive.

  13. I dunno, I think this is marketing genius. Fake woman promotes fake beer. Maybe they can get some fake customers.

    The Nike ad is a lot worse, because you’d figure the target demographic for their sports bras is people with, you know, real breasts, and they just might figure out “you know, if all they’ll hold is those little fake skeeter bites, maybe I’ll go with another brand.”

  14. I completely support Kid Rock shooting cases of Bud Light because it’s revolting and an offense to the tradition of beer.

    Says the 8:00 am G&T drinker.

  15. Do you even bother with the tonic, rAT? Or just chug that shit straight out of the plastic bottle?

  16. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 04.06.23 (Morning Edition) : The Other McCain

  17. I have never drank B*d L*ght. I barely drink beer, but when I was in a band, I always got one bottle of Corona to have onstage with me. It’s probably not much different than B*d L*ght. But, if we aren’t going to boycott it because it’s nothing to boycott, we can at least stop giving it free publicity. I often suspect these controversies are marketing ploys to get the public to talk about a product that no one has thought about for decades…

  18. Reading NW’s comment on buying Old Milwaukee as a recent high school graduate, I’m reminded of comments I heard from friends about legendary and vile “Stroh’s beer farts.” Maybe Budweiser will have the next commercial with Mulvaney feature some of that.

    Or maybe that’s where the bubbles in his bathtub came from, eh?

  19. That’s the way I see it….the newest cultural ‘shock’ value ad.

    I mean, EVERY SINGLE AD these days is A) multi racial including one white person, B) multi racial with 2 people of color, C) see A and B but swap in a gay couple, D) repeat the above but also have the multi racial gay or hetero couple be sight/hearing/other impaired.

    It’s just one-upping everyone else, regardless of how insane it makes the company look.

    Off topic, but I keep wondering……I see countless ads for HIV suppression meds. Are there really that many people today that have HIV? I mean, these ads are more common than an Advil ad…….seems awfully disproportionate …..

  20. In 2019, an estimated 1.2 million people were living with HIV, according to the CDC. I’m guessing that antiretrovirals have a much higher price and profit margin than Advil, to put it mildly. Hence the commercials.

  21. Justplainangry– I fear you are right. Promotional appearances by the Clydesdales are being cancelled. They may not have a role anymore. FORGET THE BEER, SAVE THE HORSIES!!!!!!

  22. They don’t care about your boycotts.
    What they care about is peer approval.
    The HRC, which was formed in 1980 and started the CEI in 2002, is led by Kelley Robinson who was named as president in 2022 and worked as a political organizer for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign.

    Read Kelley Robinson’s Wikipedia entry. This is why American companies have gone woke, they literally covet the approval of female black lesbian political activists.

  23. Looks like Coors and Budweiser are losing a fair amount of customers with their woke marketing but they’re gonna make it all back with their shrewd investments in businesses that sell diabetes medication and truck nuts.

  24. I understand the latest Biden admin spin is that because a transgender person shot up a Christian school and killed six people, including three children, this indicates that Christians are a threat to the “transgender community”? Have I got that about right?

  25. Hard to say — I’m not as much an expert in the transgender experience as you are….

  26. ^^ now at the Non Plus Ultra level of gibbering madness.

  27. It’s just random firing of neurons with Emery. Utterly without meaning. Emery never claims to present meaning. The commenter who calls himself “Emery” is an account shared between at least three actual human beings.

  28. In WWII, army air corps pilots painted pictures of beautiful young women on their planes. The air corps allowed it, because it boosted moral and reminded the men what they were fighting for.

    Dylan Mulvaney is the new Betty Page. He’s what the Ukranians and NATO are fighting for.

  29. Pingback: Acceptable Losses | Shot in the Dark

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