A Christmas-Time Visit To The Ghost Of Democrat Victory-Dancing Past

Let’s take a look back to last May.

I started this post at the end of the session, last May, amid the DFL was doing its endzone happy dance over having gotten their way on literally everything during the session,

Here’s Rep Long – who in normal times one would be tempted to call “one of Minneapolis’s more annoying legislators”, but “progressivism” has lapped him a few times on that count:

They sure loved to prattle on about “gridlock being over”, didn’t they?

The Strib cheered on the home team! Here was a rare photo from last year of Governor Walz not eating something:

And here, one of them rejoices that the trains will run on time.

Or something like that.

This tweet caught my eye last spring – someone had a clue what was going on.

Today, of course, the “surplus” (which wasn’t) is long gone. There’s going to be a deficit in the next biennium, even if the economy hangs on.

All as predicted.

A Look Ahead To The Ghost Of DFL Excuse-Making Future

Budget deficit of $2.5 Billion Plus?

5 thoughts on “A Christmas-Time Visit To The Ghost Of Democrat Victory-Dancing Past

  1. Strib Letter to Editor February 2024:

    DAMN those Republicans for talking down the economy. They made people so afraid to spend money that they ruined a perfectly good boom.

    Now that Minnesotans are hurting, we have no choice but to raise taxes so the rich pay their fair share. Everyone should be happy to pay more for a kinder and more compassionate Minnesota, you hateful racists.

  2. We have a budget surplus this is a great time to tax and spend!

    We have a budget deficit this is the perfect time to tax and spend! So many people need our services.

    We are budget neutral this is a great time to tax and spend.

    You get the picture!!!

  3. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 12.22.23 : The Other McCain

  4. Just the sight of Walzruss gives me anxiety and increased heart rate. Arrogant, extremely ugly both inside and out…’man’.

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