Dog Whistle

We talked last week about Peggy Flanagan’s absurd take on parenting.

Here it is again:

She followed up with this photo.

Check out that righteous Bowie knife.

There are only three interpretations for this symbology:

  • It was designed by someone who is unfamiliar with American iconography. If this is the case, wearing the shirt was pretty dang ignorant.
  • It’s an incredibly crude and juvenline jape about gender transition surgery: I’m throwing up in my mouth a little.
  • The Lieutenant Governor is talking tough: Y’know – saying she’s going to stab people who transgress to some indistinct degree or another against trans people. Y’know – like Sarah Palin’s “crosshairs”, only with actual intent.

Not sure which it is. I’m open to suggestions.

Speaking of which – I have four friends that one could classify as transgender. Two of them are from the “Armed Trans Don’t Get Shot” faction of the Second Amendment movement, whom I could see donning one of these:

Of course it’s a photoshop. Theatrical posturing about stabbing bigots is OK; taking a gun to them, probably not.

Which is a shame, since the gun might actually work.

Speaking of which, here’s the MN Gun Owners Caucus’s version:

It goes without saying that if a Republican threw a knife or gun reference into a t-shirt on a social issue, it’d be front page news, with thought-free “think” pieces clogging op-ed pages nationwide.

So I won’t say it.

27 thoughts on “Dog Whistle

  1. I’m sure xe is known as a real fashion plate up on the rez.

    I remember a guy who used to comment here, maybe 10 years ago, who was rumored to have gotten a tuck and roll job,,,who was that?

    Wouldn’t someone suffering from gender dysphoria, depression and suicidal thoughts be ineligible to purchase a firearm…even before they cut their junk off?

  2. Talking tough with the image of a firearm would tick off the base, and she cannot have that.

  3. Republicans lost control of the agenda when they chose to lose the elections. Instead of picking fights about say — free school lunches save your fight for something worth fighting about. Otherwise you just look like @ssholes.

  4. Just a thought.

    Maybe she could just beat trans-bullies to death with those weird “birth-control” glasses.

  5. How about the GOP and conservatives cheering for the State getting to decide the healthcare outcomes of a child and the State stepping between a kid, their parents and the doctor? That one also strikes me as an odd position…..

  6. ^^ Of course it seems odd to you RAT. In the p0rn books you read to your ER NuRSe daughter at bed time, kids that get their junk cut off grow up to be AStrONauTS.

  7. MBerg recently interviewed Cassie Fredregil about parental rights. This parent didn’t feel it was in her 10 yr old daughter’s best interests to learn about the downsides of sexting.

    Now we have MBerg on the other side of the argument— the State knows better than the parents. Come on Berg get it together….

  8. If the State got involved at the rAT hovel while he was grooming his ER NuRSe daughter, there’d be at least one less degenerate selling her ass in the bushes at Loring Park. Maybe not, though. Degeneracy often runs in low IQ families.

  9. If the GOP/conservatives don’t fight about dumb stuff, they might have to fight about picking a good gubernatorial candidate and that would be awful.

  10. FBI bursts into the rotting door of Rat’s dilapidated hovel.: “Freeze, scumbag! Get away from that kid!”

    rAT Emery (fiddling about with his daughter): “Hey! Why are you bothering me about dumb stuff! It’s bedtime story hour; butt out!”

  11. My thought is that what needs to happen is a two or three decade long statute of limitations for civil suits for removing body parts without adequately verifying that the right course of action really is transition. Medical insurers would shut the transition industry down so quickly, it would make your head spin.

  12. “This parent didn’t feel it was in her 10 yr old daughter’s best interests to learn about the downsides of sexting.”

    That’s the gist of the problem you pinecone. Nowhere was that stated as the point of the curriculum. The parent was trying to determine that but was stymied from finding out. WHY would they need to hide the curriculum if that’s what it was about?

  13. The guy who voted for Walz, Flanagan, and Ellison thinks the MNGOP is “too extreme”?

  14. Since “gender affirming care” for children results in sterilization, Flanagan is literally in favor of genocide.

  15. Throughout history and around the world, cultures have had various opinions about abortion and even infanticide. But none, until a few years ago, has gone so far off the rails that it believes that women can impregnate men.

  16. Instead of picking fights about say — free school lunches save your fight for something worth fighting about.

    @Emery: The school lunches aren’t free. Someone else has to pay for them!

    Where does the largesse with others’ money stop?

  17. How about the GOP and conservatives cheering for the State getting to decide the healthcare outcomes of a child and the State stepping between a kid, their parents and the doctor? That one also strikes me as an odd position….

    Whether we’re talking about hormone injections or “gender confirmation” surgery, it’s an elective medical procedure done upon people without fully-developed brains.
    In fact, there’s been cases of adults detransitioning after transitioning as minors. It seems strange that the Left seems to advocate for tossing informed consent out the window, but it fits the pattern established by abortion without parental notification and requiring COVID-19 “vaccination” to attend school.

  18. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 03.21.23 (Morning Edition) : The Other McCain

  19. is emery really Jeff Kolb? or did he just cut and paste from Jeff’s twitter post yesterday?

    while you’re at it…
    Among so many other things you present yourself as an expert on the ethics of abortion so it should not be difficult for you to answer this question…
    At what point in your mother’s pregnancy with you would it have become unacceptable for her to abort you?

    As a bonus question where can I find the text in the Constitution that supports this claim you made:
    “The Constitution before amendment said Clarence Thomas should be counted as 3/5ths of a person.”

  20. Oh, if only there was a way for science to tell us whether a human child was male or female! But there is not! Science has failed us!
    Jeezus these libs are dim bulbs.

  21. How about the GOP and conservatives cheering for the State getting to decide the healthcare outcomes of a child and the State stepping between a kid, their parents and the doctor? That one also strikes me as an odd position….
    BTW, the anti-conversion bill passed by MN DFL house this month would empower the state of MN to step between a child, and his or her parents & doctor to dictate a child’s healthcare outcomes.
    Emery beclowns himself once again.

  22. This is literally how Emery thinks of the system working properly:
    Parents:We want you to cut our son’s weiner off.
    Doctor: Okay! Cash or credit card?
    This is an example of the severe mental problems that afflict liberals. They literally cannot tell fantasy from reality.

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