Also Ran

Secretary of State Simon wants to throw away whatever a little relevance Minnesota has in presidential elections.

No, really. He said it in as many words on Monday:

Let’s be clear about this: the Electoral College exists because smaller states realized that a national popular vote for President would essentially leave the Executive branch of government to be elected by the voters of the most populous states. All the decisions the President and his branch make – the enforcement of all laws, the spending of all budgets – would be determined by the residents of the most populous parts of the country, and those parts would be who the President answered to.

The Electoral College was part of a contract – our Constitution – by which smaller states avoided getting logrolled, and thus consented to join the union.

If they abolish the Electoral College, there is literally no reason for any states other than California, New York, California, Texas, Florida, Illinois and maybe Pennsylvania, and the de facto mono-state of New Jersey/Connecticut/Massachusetts/Rhode Island, to remain in the union, since everyone else will be vassals.

Simon is calling for Minnesota to become irrelevant to Presidential politics. .

Let’s be clear: abolishing the Electoral College is, i’ll be charitable, at least as great a threat to American democracy as January 6. And that’s being charitable and meeting the Sixers halfway.

And before anyone responds in the comments with “Hahaha that was settled in 1865” – no. It was settled in 1776.

35 thoughts on “Also Ran

  1. abolishing the Electoral College is, i’ll be charitable, at least as great a threat to American democracy as January 6

    Geez. You think the DemoCommies are gonna rub their chins and think, that Mitch Berg is not such a bad guy because he understood the gravity of the Jan 6 Insurrection? The one where the unarmed revolutionaries kept themselves within the ropes lines in the Statuary?

    Just means you’ll be among the last to be executed.

  2. Liberals and RINOs sneer when I tell the the 2020 election was stolen. Can’t be done, would require a massive conspiracy, somebody would talk.

    I could steal a presidential election with 12 people – two each in the key county of the 6 key states – one to mark and deliver fake ballots and one to make sure the fake ballots get counted. After the election, I’d eliminate the delivery boys and ensure the ballot counters know what would happen to their families if they talked.

    A conspiracy of 7 people with powerful incentive not to talk, shielded by the winning political party’s hacks belittling the talk as conspiracy theory and the willing media’s lack of interest in doing any investigating beyond reciting talking points, that’s not too large an effort to conceal.

    It only sounds crazy until you understand the weakness of the electoral college system.

  3. I should add that I am quite impressed, frighteningly so, at just how efficiently the DemoCommies are at putting together a Venezuela of the North. I mean, it’s always been a long standing tradition for the Legislature to dawdle and argue and procrastinate until May, but not this time. It’s like a list of policies and laws to be implemented was worked out over the last two months after the election and they’re marching through that list one item at a time.

  4. This isn’t just colonization of the red states by the blue states, it is the colonization of the rural parts of all states by its big cities. This is further advanced in MN than it is in WI.
    Colonization is the political control of one group of people by another group of people.

  5. I’m old enough to remember when MN GOP candidate Scott Jensen called for the jailing of Scott Simon.

    Every GOPer who lied to the public about a stolen election should be jailed for fraud.

  6. “Every GOPer who lied to the public about a stolen election should be jailed for fraud.”

    Ok fascist.

  7. …for any states other than California, New York, California, Texas, Florida, Illinois and maybe Pennsylvania,..

    I see Mitch listed Kalifornia twice, which makes perfect sense. But pray tell, what possessed him to write that Texas and Florida would ever, EVER favor remaining in the Soci@list Republiks of Amerikkka?

  8. it should be pointed out repeatedly that abolishing the Electoral College, and apportioning Senate seats based upon population, would strip states like WY,MT, ND,CO,UT,NV,SD,NE,NM,ID, to name a few, of any effective representation — at the same time these states contain phenomenal amounts of exploitable natural resources that the coastal elite depend on to maintain their wealth. End the Electoral College and LA will shortly get that pipeline/canal of water from the Missouri river that they’ve been dreaming of for decades and rural Western State citizens would be little more than serfs in service to entities like Blackrock, Berkshire-Hathaway, etc..

  9. the futility of relying on the courts to redress wrongs was illustrated by the minnesota supreme court opinion in Snell v. Walz, A21-0626, issued today.

    the plaintiff alleged the governor violated the law by issuing lockdown executive orders. The orders suspended the constitutional rights of assembly, travel, speech and worship. The court ruled there is no proof the governor will do it again so the issue is moot and the court will not decide whether a state governor suspending the united states constitution was wrong

    the same court previously ruled nobody has standing to challenge the orders

    standing, mootness, laches – these are not real rules they are rules the courts invented to use when they don’t feel like getting involved in a political mess

    but there is no place to seek redress for a stolen election (or stolen constitutional rights) within a one-party system

    the only solution is to go outside the system just like antifa does, just like guerilla fighters in other countries do, just like revolutionaries do including our own, in 1776.

    ariso, aristo a la lanterne

  10. Actually, Bot Boy, Simon should be in jail for bypassing state election laws, without state congressional approval. That rat bastard Mark Elias should have been in prison ten years ago.

  11. Did rAT really squeak this? “Every GOPer who lied…should be jailed ”


    Let’s just go with “Liars should be hanged”….how about them apples, assnozzle? I think it’s a great idea.

  12. While it’s appealing to think that MN DemoCommies are using California as their inspiration, perhaps Colorado is more appropriate.

    The “gang of four” — four far-left millionaires — had completed their takeover of the state government. In 2004 Republicans held the governor’s office and control of both houses of the legislature. By 2007 Democrats held all three positions of power and have never looked back.

    It’s now referred to as “The Colorado Model.”

  13. Next on the list for MN is eliminating bail for misdemeanors.
    The woke tribe that controls MN DFL is convinced that the best way to reduce crime is to reduce the consequences for committing crime.

  14. C’ mon man! The Constitution is soooo 18th century. The parts that make sense are anyone can enter the US anytime for any reason and do anything, abortion is an inalienable right of wymen, and white peepul have to pay reparations forever.

  15. “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
    — John Adams

    Do not waste time bemoaning the death of the USA. Be inspired by what promise it’s progeny holds.

    First step: Throw off your shackles and throw away your shekels. Everything you think is right with the Democratic Republic, is at least partially wrong. Associates and allies you thought were friends, never were.

    Questioning authority is tilting at windmills. Burn the windmill down to make room for a SMR.

  16. Blade is correct.

    In addition to my investments, I have added three more precious metals to my stockpile; lead, steel and brass.

  17. jdm, the Colorado model is the Cali model.

    Leftist millionaires cannot take power without a sufficient supply of drugged out, low IQ muppets and welfare dependent slags to finance.

    California has been a breeder reactor for that fuel since the 90’s; I know this from first hand experience. Once Cali reached critical mass, the infection spread Oregon first, moved North through Washington and then headed East.

    Anywhere you have a midsized, but neglected city, surrounded by a population living in and around small rural towns is fertile soil to propagate corpse plants.

    Denver was always a dingy city that the indigenous population only visited for sports ball. The degenerates moved in and took over.

    It’s why we, manning the trenches make it our business to make migrants feel singularly uncomfortable. We won’t give an inch.

  18. My comments are making the Askimet AI censorbot feel threatened this morning.

    I like that.

  19. BH, all that is good, but the very best investment you can make is your time spent creating a community of people united by wholesome values, history, traditions and pride.

    Use every encounter with our people as an opportunity to make a friend. The resources and connections that become available to you will astound you.

  20. Actually, the better and not totally unconstitutional idea would be to allocate electoral college votes by Congressional district. So, instead of ten for Biden (two senators and 8 Congress) Biden would have 6, and Trump 4. All across the country, that would have made Trump the winner.

  21. And with that bit of insurrectionist™ commentary, J Ewing just earned his first, personal FBI minder…congrats! 💥🎉✨

  22. my wife and i have been looking at retirement possibilities Down South

    the problem with 55+ senior communities is they’re full of snowbirds
    and snowbirds come from Minnesota and Wisconsin and Canada
    which is full of Liberals

    i wish they’d adopt political zoning in those places
    liberals on the East side
    conservatives on the West side
    there is no middle ground, pick a side

    they can ban guns, speech, gasoline engines and charcoal grills
    we can retire with like minded individuals to swap stories of our AR builds
    everybody is happy

  23. Bigman, from my point of view, the problem with 55+ senior communities is they exist. Why would you consider such a thing?

    Ever heard of anyone that ❤ their HOA?

  24. This, right here is why neo-cons are not our friends.




    The problem is blacks, not mental illness, and hose wretched boomers know this, but don’t have the guts to say it. Instead, they toss out a red herring for the degenerates to have for lunch. Note to Berg; Please tell your pals at the gun caucus to just stfu; they are not helping….at all.

  25. Apparently, Angie Craig was assaulted in the elevator of her D.C. apartment this morning. She fought off her attacker and called 911. According to her drum beater spokesMAN, she’s bruised but OK. 5 will get you 10 that this incident was a. Staged or b. Bullshit!

  26. boss, report I saw indicated that she is LGBTxyz. I was unaware of this specific mental illness of hers (other than the usual depression/narcissism that plagues so many female democommies). Perhaps this alleged attack is her coming out party.

  27. jdm.
    Oh, yea. That was how she got elected and re-elected. Her female “husband” and her, have five or six adopted kids. She pimped them out to star in some of her campaign ads.

  28. Ah, boss, thanks for that bit of info. With that mental malady and Steve Simon, she’s gonna be as a shoe-in for as long as she wants.

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