
Nancy Barnes, Strib Editor, wrote a “Q and A” piece on Sunday discussing the changes at the paper.

I won’t address the whole thing – here it is – but a couple of bits and pieces caught my eye.

 Why don’t you do something about the paper’s political views?

The newspaper and the editorial department are separate. As editor, I have no influence over the editorial pages. I do have influence over the news pages. If you see bias in the news pages, please feel free to call me. We work every day to deliver the news fair and straight. If we don’t, we have failed our readers.

This is interesting; to my knowledge, it’s the first time that an editor at the Strib has acknowledged that the peasants are restless about the Strib’s relentless editorial bias.  With the departure of Jim “Our Paper Is Fair and Balanced, And Only A Republican Moron Would Question Us” Boyd, it’ll be interesting to see if the paper actually starts trying to come to terms with its reputation (which is neither entirely justified, at least in terms of many of the paper’s beat reporters, nor inaccurate) of being a de facto DFL PR shop.

At any rate – Barnes has issued the invitation.  Let’s see how sincere she is.

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