Open Letter To All Minnesota DFLers

To: Minnesota Democrats
From: Mitch Berg, Irascible Peasant
Re: Fake Beliefs


A few points of information:

  • There is no “Swat Plan”. It was an off-the-cuff, tongue-in-cheek remark by Kim Crockett’s husband, at a Tea Party meeting, and of no more policy impact (or taste) than DFL staffers calling for “guillotines” for Republicans.
  • The Governor can not directly change MN abortion policy
  • Attorney General Ellison openly supported defunding cops.
  • A. Quarter. Billion. In. Fraud. So. Far. It’s going to be half a billion by the time they’re done.
  • MN, locked down, did no better in pandemic than our neighbors.
  • Nothing about Republicans or their ideology is remotely “fascist”, and we are less a threat to “democracy” than your beliefs are.

That is all.

4 thoughts on “Open Letter To All Minnesota DFLers

  1. But Democracy! Fascism! We’re just one day away from the end of democracy and the rule of law. And the start of a brutal GOP dictatorship in which our children could be arrested and conceivably killed. I’ve heard they’re already building LGB… camps.

    Sidenote: the one-time far right wing Jutland Post of Denmark ran an editorial this morning with the regards to the Red Wave that “The USA is on the verge of democracy’s collapse” (USA er på randen af demokratiets sammenbrud). Let it not be said that the Democrat party’s politics are not spread far and wide.

  2. Midterms are usually sort of minor elections, and people are just so very worked up about them. Which is sort of amazing, but the things being said right now are remarkably weird.

  3. Fetterman Campaign Sues Pennsylvania Election Officials To Have Ballots Without Dates And Incorrect Dates Counted
    And so it begins.
    As I have written in SITD comments more than once, the goal of Democrats is to have, when the official vote count has ended, a pile of uncounted votes larger than the margin by which their candidate has lost. Democrat lawyers will then attempt to have those uncounted votes that they believe will be disproportionately in favor of their candidate recorded.
    This is not a hypothetical, this is how Democrats won the 2004 Washington State governor’s contest and this is how Al Franken got elected US senator in 2008.

  4. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 11.08.22 : The Other McCain

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