10 thoughts on “Normales

  1. Mexicans were *always* just seasonal workers on the plantation. Those free Obmama foams didn’t include international calling, and they’re so proud of their families, they put their surnames on the back windows of their vehicles…not fans of infanticide.

  2. Latinos have always been prone to socialism and so they thought Democrats spoke their language, so to speak. The problems start in that Democrats – or what the Democrat party has become – are upper class white people who are snotty, ill-informed if not just plain stupid bigots who treat their disparate support groups like children.

    That gays and trannies – and blacks too – are OK with this treatment is on them, but latinos are not. Aside: as the Michigan Democrats are finding out, muslims are not either.

  3. “Latinos have always been prone to socialism and so they thought Democrats spoke their language, so to speak.”

    That’s true for the natives and mestizos, jdm, but not the upper and middle class. South America is divided by ethnic heritage. I’ve spent a lot of time down there for work. The class divisions are startling to someone used to working with EEOC winners.

    The professions (engineering, medicine, science, law & etc.) are completely dominated by people of Spanish heritage. Walk into the offices of Ica Fluor (Flour Daniels Latin American subsidiary), and you’ll see more White faces and blonde hair than a BLM riot. And they all speak fluent English.

    These are not the people marching across the desert, though. We’re getting the 80 IQ people with grade 3 educations who cannot read or write Spanish.

  4. I guess I could cut my last comment apart, to see what triggered the mod bot this time, but I guess I just don’t care that much.

  5. “Latinos have always been prone to soci@lism and so they thought Democrats spoke their language, so to speak.”

    That’s true for the natives and mestizos, jdm, but not the upper and middle class. South America is divided by ethnic heritage. I’ve spent a lot of time down there for work. The class divisions are startling to someone used to working with EEOC winners.

    The professions (engineering, medicine, science, law & etc.) are completely dominated by people of Spanish heritage. Walk into the offices of Ica Fluor (Flour Daniels Latin American subsidiary), and you’ll see more White faces and blonde hair than a BLM riot. And they all speak fluent English.

    These are not the people marching across the desert, though. We’re getting the 80 IQ people with grade 3 educations who cannot read or write Spanish.

  6. The only outliers to the class divisions, of course, are the drug cartels. Viva Los Zetas!

  7. plain stupid bigots who treat their disparate support groups like children slaves.

    There, fixed it for you jdm. You are welcome.

  8. That’s true for the natives and mestizos, jdm, but not the upper and middle class.

    For someone who’s been there you know it is more complicated. I would say they are big “D” democrats and NOT progressives or soci@lists. But they behave more like monarchists than republicans, though.

  9. ^ While I don’t disagree in general terms with BN’s comment, I also know it is more complicated as you say, jpa.

    On the other hand, when I think about the long sad history of Argentina, what happened to Cuba and Venezuela, but especially when I consider the how Chileans have ruined the gift they got from Pinochet with the children of the upper and middle class leading the way, I’ll stick with my “Latinos have always been prone to soci@lism” assertion.

  10. So Hispanics, being from dozens of different countries and with many different variations on professions, cultural traditions, religion, and such, are not a simple monolithic group that can be appealed to uniformly with one small set of progressive policies?

    Who knew? Well, with the obvious exception of “pretty much every thinking person”, of course.

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