Fake News

It is alleged that there was a shooting incident Saturday night at the Minnesota State fair.

On the one hand, there is footage of… something.


On the other hand? This cannot possibly have happened. The state fairboard banned guns, and a state court upheld that decision.

So clearly, there were no guns at the fair.

I’m not sure who these people think they’re fooling.

13 thoughts on “Fake News

  1. For a second, I thought that was the Merwyn Liquors sign at Lyndale & Broadway.

    SC has a state fair coming up next month. It’s a dump compared to the MN state fair, but we don’t have to worry about shootouts, even though there is always a large black presence, and concealed weapons are not allowed.

    Why? Because the cops will absolutely, positively shoot you dead if you jerk a pistol, without fear of reprisal.

    Also, it’s not much fun for black gangstas. Any of this kind of sheeit will get you bounced:

    • No exposed underwear or baggy pants below the waist.
    • No gang-related clothes, colors, signs, jewelry, or activities.
    • Appropriate attire required at all times (shirt and pants, shirt and skirt, or dress, and shoes).
    • No loitering, blocking storefronts, or walking groups that inconvenience others.
    • After 5:00 pm, everyone under the age of 18 is required to be accompanied by a parent (21 and older) to enter the fairgrounds.
    • We may ask for ID as proof of age.
    • No profanity

    That’s right. Eubonics are prohibited, and are cause to get escorted out.

    We probably won’t go this year. As I said, its a dreary little fair, and we’re going to the Blue Highway Bluegrass festival in Oct.

    But I wouldn’t go to the MN fair either.

  2. We had people staying with us who were waiting in the long line to catch the shuttle bus away from the Fair when the shooting occurred. They didn’t hear anything, but a young girl in front of them in line read something on her phone – and proceeded to have a panic attack, which spread to other young girls in the vicinity. My guess is that they read “shooting” and have been conditioned to think there’s a mass shooter…and to go into full-sheep mode. Interesting phenomenon to hear how the reaction spread, including people saying, “We never need to come here again.”

  3. Guns are banned for the first time at the State Fair. And
    (alleged…) gun shots happen for the first time ever at the State Fair.

    Would anyone expect anything less?

  4. Apparently, there has been a mass stabbing event by two brothers up in Canada. Ten dead and 15 injured across 13 locations. I’m sure that little Fidel will be banning knives any day now.

  5. In Chicago a person is shot every 2 hrs 13 min.
    Sept to date Chicago has 60 people shot with 11 dead.
    YTD Chicago has 2,488 people shot with 441 dead.

  6. BH;
    Over The Counter round nosed, dull knives(i.e. butter knives) will still be sold without age restrictions or background checks.
    Sharp round nosed knives will only be available to people over 21 who pass the background check.
    Pointed sharp knives will be registered with the government and will only be sold to licensed individuals who have passed an in depth background/mental health check and have successfully completed 60 hours of advanced knife safety training.

  7. They won’t be happy until people are chopping each other up with a chain saw.

  8. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 09.06.22 : The Other McCain

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