
This may be the most badly-aged tweet of the decade so far:

sometimes it feels like the world is in a race between those who are inventing fusion Power too cheap to be metered, and those who are trying to send us back to the 1600s as serfs to the progressive nobility.

29 thoughts on “Fermented

  1. If there’s anything sweeter than smacking the smug right tfo off a leftist German thot’s face, you’re going to have to show it to me, before I believe it.

  2. Anyone that has followed European stupidity over the years, knew Trump was spot on.

  3. Brilliant picture of a weak point in the thought patterns of many free marketers since I was a kid at least; as long as there are despotic rulers who will use their market power to achieve other ends. Hence it is a good idea to have backup plans for when despotic rulers do that.

    And of course, Putin delenda est!

  4. ^^ Swiftee was predicting a Russian victory at the end of August.

    What was the news yesterday? Kherson reinforced by 8k Russian paratroopers? Good luck supplying and/or evacuating anything over those anemic bridges… Or are there only barges left now?

    Looking forward to both the liberation of Kherson and the usual Swiftee comments here trying to explain to us how it is a ‘gesture of goodwill’ or ‘just a feint’. Funny how the more advanced weapons Ukraine is able to get hold of, the more “gestures of goodwill” the Russian army makes. Almost as if there’s a connection that some of the Russian allies in the comments section can’t quite see…

  5. And here come the headlines:

    Polling released on Monday has suggested that just under one in four Britons will not turn on their heating due to the rising price of energy.

    It is the latest statistic showing how much Britain’s population is struggling under the myriad economic crises facing them, with one union boss recently hinting at the possibility of street riots over how dire things are for many in the country.

  6. more. yea! that’s the ticket! greener economy = eating grass and living in mud huts.

    With Europe lagging behind global rivals when it comes to digitalization and space exploration, Scholz said the EU could become a global leader in the transition to a greener economy that would also help it become less dependent on foreign energy suppliers.

  7. and finally, from the “what can go wrong?” file:

    German Chancellor Demands Bigger EU, Less National Sovereignty for Members

  8. Ukraine’s futile resistance is wholly dependent on the United States willingness to bleed out more debt and deplete their military stockpile, and the EU’s willingness to freeze this winter.

    If I were Trump, I’d start reminding Americans how much pedo Joe’s shameful debacle in Afghanistan has cost, and how much Don Zelensky Quixote’s windmill tilting will add to the deficit.

    Then I’d make a video of himself drinking hot chocolate in front of a roaring natural gas fire, and dub it in German.

  9. Or, better yet, have pajama boy hugging his steaming mug and sending Christmas greetings to Berlin!

  10. A couple of facts worth noting; the heat is being turned down in Ukraine to about 64F, which is just a little bit cooler than I routinely heat my house. It’s called “put on a sweater and slippers”, not “we’re going to freeze the pipes.” Same thing in England; winter temperatures in London average about 42F, which means you can delay turning on the heat quite a while by putting on a sweater.

    Regarding the “futile” resistance, I’m seeing the money spent as a bargain. NATO members are finally arming themselves to defend against Russia if needed, they’re doing so by sending their old Russian arms to Ukraine and purchasing modern weapons systems that are NATO quality, two new countries are joining NATO, about a third of Russia’s combat soldiers are dead or wounded, a large portion of their usable armor is destroyed, and the whole world knows now that Russian weapons are junk and their army is a paper bear, but will not hesitate to attack civilians if they don’t succeed in battle.

    Compared to what we thought we faced in Fulda in 1989, this is incredibly good. And with a lot of prayer and a bit of luck, Russians might finally be able to identify and eliminate the FSB/KGB “Mafia” and free their country from that thugocracy.

  11. Look at Delenda…telling everyone to put a sweater on and suck it up for money laundering, buttseks and child trafficking.


  12. Delenda isn’t a bad guy. He’s just the product of 60+ years of Neo-con propaganda.

    That said, guys like him are a more a danger to our people than the purple hair degenerates grooming kids.

    Controlled opposition is infiltration.

  13. I couldn’t help noticing how like the DemoCommies in our government the Ukrainian version is. Giving themselves a big raise, while their country is allegedly getting devastated by the Russian horde, is so “democratic”.

  14. LMMFAO!

    I don’t have cable at home, but I’m in a hotel tonight.

    Tucker Carlson just disclosed that Russia has so much natural gas reserves, they’re flaring hundreds of millions of USD worth…every day.

    But don’t get your li’l daubers down Patriots….put a sweater on…like Pedo Joe!

  15. Oof…Tucker thinks we should stop sending Ukrainian oligarchs weapons and cash to end the war and get the oil flowing.


  16. The war in Ukraine will last as long as Pedo Joe, and his “conservative” friends in Congress keep sending Zelensky and his Khazar mafia cash, and he has warm bodies to throw into the fire.

    Maybe the Germans can start burning bodies to keep warm this winter.

  17. Yes, Swiftee, I’m sure the world’s #1 child trafficker, Russia, is going to shut down child trafficking by systematically impoverishing Ukraine and creating a lot of orphans. Putin, who’s stolen apparently close to a quarter trillion dollars, is also a prime candidate to eliminate corruption in your mind.

    Pro tip; try getting some of your news from sources that aren’t linking pravda.ru.

  18. bike, it is kinda hypocritical to slam alphabet soup “news” for fake news and yet swallow all their propaganda re Ukraine hook line and sinker, no? Because THIS time they are telling the truth, right?

  19. JPA, there’s a huge difference between Fox, CNN, and the like that have a finger on the scale and sometimes get it wrong, and Pravda.ru and the like that never seem to get it right, and there’s photographic evidence of the same.

  20. “ there’s a huge difference between Fox, CNN, and the like that have a finger on the scale and sometimes get it wrong, and Pravda.ru”

    Bullshit you like > bullshit you don’t like.

    Btw, Delenda; Pravda is old and busted. It’s the Russian Fox news for old, retired pensioners who march in May Day parades and long for the good old days.

    RT.com is the new hotness.

  21. photographic evidence of the same

    So all that video game footage and pictures from different parts of the world of different conflicts presented as reality on the ground in Ukraine pushed by Fox, CNN and the rest of the alphabet soup is just… what exactly? bike, your hole is deep enough already, but that’s ok, keep digging, it is obvious you got your orders.

  22. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.29.22 : The Other McCain

  23. Nope, but all the pictures of conflict with clear evidence that it’s in Ukraine does tell us a lot, JPA. Let’s be honest here; it’s not Fox and CNN claiming that a monstrous ammunition explosion was saltpeter (which is not explosive). It’s not Fox and CNN and alphabet soup that is claiming that guys working with Russian ammunition were smoking on duty, and thus the massive ammo explosion wasn’t an attack by Ukraine. It’s not Fox and CNN/alphabet soup that’s claimed to have destroyed four times as many aircraft as the Ukrainian air force possessed.

    It was the Russian government and their propaganda mouthpieces in the Russian media. I don’t have to argue that Fox and CNN are perfect–they certainly aren’t–but it’s a different level of mistakes from those made by Pravda.ru and Tass, where I’d argue that the default position ought to be to assume it’s false.

  24. Once again bike, you are showing your willful disregard of the facts and keep digging the hole ever deeper. I NEVER said I believe RU propaganda, and YOU keep saying ONLY RU spreads propaganda while unquestioningly and uncritically drinking Western propaganda through a hose, disregarding ANY and ALL falsehoods they were caught red-handed in spreading, holdng them up as truth incarnate and infallible. It is no wonder your brain is addled based on your response in the Tlaib post.

    I am done, there is no sense showing a Far Side cartoon to a blind person.

  25. I think you’re assuming that I just swallow what I’m fed, but that’s incorrect. It was I who looked up whether saltpeter was explosive, the size of the pre-war Ukrainian Air Force, and who inferred that the notion of anyone who works with ammunition smoking on the job was pure horse manure, not my media sources. I inferred on my own that something was very amiss with the Russian army when they were taking weeks to drive the ~120 miles from the border with Belarus to the outskirts of Kyiv.

    And reality is that when I do basic checks, the unfortunate fact is that about 99.95% of what I hear from Russia is flat out false.

  26. No, it’s not. I don’t believe I ever wrote anything about that. I’m fully aware of the temptation to stretch the truth when national survival is at stake. But that noted, there’s a difference between exaggeration and completely making stuff up.

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