Checks, Balances

SCENE: Mitch BERG is looking for Gatorade Zero at Cub Foods when Cat SCAT, he designated “fact checker” at the (possibly fictional) progressive blog “”“ and office manager at a small phrenology practice, steps around the corner.

SCAT: Merg!

BERG: Uh, hey, Cat…

SCAT: Shut up. You and other so-called conservatives are spreading disinformation.

BERG: Do tell.

SCAT: You say that the so-called “woke mob” is “grooming” people, especially young children, into transitioning their gender.

BERG: Yep. You know who else says it? The parents of those children.

SCAT: Ack-shyu-ally, before someone can transition, they have to go through rigorous counseling by physician, culminating with a “Letter of Readiness for Surgery” signed by a physician.

BERG: Ah. A legal document.

SCAT: Yes.

BERG: Delivered with all due solemnity.

SCAT: Of course.

BERG: Because science.

SCAT: Uh…yeah?

BERG: Yeah – about that?

BERG: Comments?

SCAT: White supremacy! Racism!

BERG: Of course.


4 thoughts on “Checks, Balances

  1. It’s also worth noting that older “trans” activists are warning against the lack of rigor in screening people before doing hormone therapy or surgery. Also worth noting is that the move against the UK transition center–the one that has basically been shut down because too many people were maimed–has hundreds of complainants, and studies of de-transitioners have hundreds of subjects.

    It’s not onesie-twosie anymore.

  2. We are living in imprudent times. Not just the D’s, but the R’s. “Prudent” is not a word you would use describe Trump, his followers, or Trumpist politicians.
    I like prudence. I strive to run my own life with great prudence. In WI, our next governor will be either the imprudent Tony Evers or the imprudent Tim Michels.

  3. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.23.22 : The Other McCain

  4. i voted for trump in 2020 and saw the graph line of biden votes jump at 4 am obvous fraud and then the senate confirmd the theft while all the prudent rinos were chuckling because the bad orange man was gone so no more mean tweets

    the fact the country is going down the toilet because lesko brandon is senile doesnt bother them they already got their pile socked away too bad for all the little guys who dont have a pile of dough learn to code

    you expect me to vote even harder for prudent rino losers whats the point in that might as well not vote at all

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