Victory Celebration

In previous years, when the DFL won elections in Minneapolis and Saint Paul by Iranian-election-level margins, their activists would gather at “victory” parties and chant “We own this town! We own this town!

I wonder if they’ll be doing that this year?

Well, some people were out to celebrate: last night, as criminal sympathizers moved to the ballot for Henco Attorney and Sheriff in November, it’s hard to miss the constituents celebrating:

You’re right, DFL. You own this town

4 thoughts on “Victory Celebration

  1. Standing next to the outhouse with a bucket of lime or other masking agent in hand proudly declaring ownership.

  2. I’m finding it difficult to get info the health of the finances of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. In 2020 and 2021 the loss of city revenue was covered by covid bux from the feds. The DFL seems to have a plan to to have the rest of the state subsidize their mad rule in the Cities. Might work, but this AKA “colonalism.”

  3. This is a classic Minnesota DemoCommie government move. Use federal money to fund their pet projects, make sure they publicize them, then have to try to find a way to budget for them going forward.

  4. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.10.22 : The Other McCain

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